A gigantic "UFO cube as big as Earth" filmed in Sun's atmosphere


A UFO "of the same size as the Earth" that was filmed in the Sun "could be related to the recent NASA space hardware stops," say the conspiracy theorists.

The huge cube-shaped object was captured by NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).

UFO expert Scot Waring is convinced that it is the same "extraterrestrial spaceship" that he spotted for the first time on October 2 this year.

Waring, who runs the website UFO Sightings Daily, claimed that the object was of alien origin and of the same size or larger than the Earth.

The pixelated UFO has a square shape and leaves behind a trail of smoke or gas, reported the Express.

UFO cube Sun


UFO: The huge cube-shaped object was filmed entering the sun

Waring said in a YouTube video: "It's the UFO that was reported two weeks ago is back – it's back.

"The UFO is huge, it's square, cube-shaped.

"He left the sun before carrying away fragments and now he is carrying fragments, parts of the sun.

"It's an extraterrestrial craft the size of the Earth, at the end of history.

"This is an indisputable proof that extraterrestrials exist and that they travel from our sun to their discretion."

YouTube commentators were also convinced that it could be an extraterrestrial profession.

Some have linked the UFO to the recent closure of the National Solar Observatory and a series of shutdowns in recent weeks that have affected NASA's equipment.

Last week, the space agency's Chandra X-ray observatory entered "safe mode", while an unknown problem with the Mars Curiosity mobile prevented it from transmitting information to scientists.

The Hubble telescope also faced a recoil after one of the gyroscopes was used to stabilize it.

However, some theorists of the web believe that technical problems are part of a larger problem: the potential related to extraterrestrials or UFOs.

YouTuber wrote: "Excellent find.

"It's when you provide evidence like this, that's why they closed the observatories.

"There are many more UFOs."

Another wrote, "Everything that's been going on in the last few weeks.

"This, the stop of some observatories, the loss of equipment in the space, I saw a video of a supposed withdrawal of satellite yesterday, what do you think that? Is happening? "

A massive UFO appeared in a live sequence of the sun before the FBI dramatically shut down the National Solar Observatory, according to a YouTube conspiracy channel.

According to Blazing Press, two objects appeared at the sight of the star during the broadcast of a sequence broadcast by the Solar Dynamics Observatory, a NASA satellite that has been watching since 2010.

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