A graduate of Yale, Brett Kavanaugh once started a fight in a bar that led to an interrogation by the police


A former basketball player from Yale University said he was scheduled to meet with the FBI on Tuesday to discuss the role played by Brett M. Kavanaugh in organizing a fight in the United States. a bar more than thirty years ago, an incident according to a police report made public Monday in New Haven. the police to interrogate the future candidate to the Supreme Court.

Charles Ludington told the Washington Post that the fight took place in September 1985 after a concert starring UB40. In a bar called Demery's, a small group of students thought they saw the group's lead singer.

Ludington said that he had approached the man to ask him. "It turns out that it was not him," Ludington said. "It was difficult in New Haven. He said something aggressive, like: "Search." "

Kavanaugh aggravated the situation, said Ludington, responding with a swear or something similar "and throwing his drink in the face of the guy."

On Sunday, Ludington publicly stated that he was planning to discuss the incident with FBI agents in Raleigh, NC, where he is an associate professor at North Carolina State University. The agents soon contacted him, he said Monday night. They asked him to file a request for an invitation to testify, then sent him a questionnaire by e-mail and told him to come on Tuesday.

The FBI reopened Kavanaugh's background check last week after Christine Blasey Ford, a California resident, charged him with sexually assaulting him while he was, in his words, "drunk "Alcoholism", while they were both in high school in 1982. He strongly denied the prosecution.

Last week, Kavanaugh told the Senate Judiciary Committee that he had been drinking but that he was never out of control. "I drank beer with my friends. Almost everyone did it. Sometimes I had too many beers. Sometimes others have done it. I liked the beer. I still love beer. But I did not drink beer to the point of losing consciousness, "he said in his testimony.

Ludington told The Post that his memories were different.

"I saw him completely drunk. He often did not remember what was going on, "he said, adding," There is a wave of anger that comes when Brett drinks. "

A White House spokesperson did not respond to emails about Ludington's account. A police report documenting the incident was reported Monday night by The New York Times.

In the report, a New Haven police officer wrote that after one o'clock in the morning on September 26, 1985, an ear-bleeding man told police that another man – identified in the report as being Kavanaugh – "threw him an ice cream for an unknown reason. . "

Ludington said that Kavanaugh's aggressive act had triggered a brief scrum. Soon, the man and Kavanaugh "were connected in some sort of head lock or wrestling form," Ludington said.

Moments later, another Kavanaugh friend, Yale basketball star Chris Dudley, was involved, Ludington said. In a brief interview, Dudley challenged Ludington's story.

Ludington said that Dudley had a glass of beer or a bottle of beer and smashed it against the man's head. Soon, Dudley and the man were bloodied and friends rushed to separate the brawlers, according to Ludington and Warren N. Sams III, a fourth classmate of Yale who said he had observed the altercation.

Sams, a lawyer in Atlanta and brother of Kavanaugh and Dudley in the fraternity, said that he did not remember seeing Kavanaugh in this locality. Sams stated that he and other friends had helped Dudley out of the bar.

Sams said he remembered seeing blood on Dudley's hand and worrying that the star basketball player, who had been in the NBA, was injured. "The fight was over," said Sams. "It was a fight. And then, someone shot Dudley and said, "Help me get Chris out of there."

The Post did not find any evidence of a formal charge or a conviction following the event.

Called briefly over the phone, Dudley said, "I do not know what [Ludington] Talk about. "

Dudley, Oregon Republican Republican nominee for governorship in 2010, was a keen supporter of the Kavanaugh.

Last week, when The Post asked Kavanaugh's lawyers to comment on the charges of binge drinking at Yale, the newspaper received a call from Dudley. "There was alcohol and alcohol. Brett drank and drank. Has he been intoxicated sometimes? Yes. Have I got? Yes. Like all other American students, "said Dudley. But "he did not miss the class, he did not miss the practice. He was an incredibly humble guy.

Ludington challenged this account.

"I'm sad to say that my friendship with Chris is over, he's not telling the truth. I think he's been trying to protect Brett, like some Jock-Omerta.

Researcher Alice Crites contributed.

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