A homeless man needs to shave to get a job, so the cop helps him


TALLAHASSEE, FL – It was just one more day for a Tallahassee policeman who stopped to help a homeless person shave and get cleaned up for a job interview in a fast-food. The act of kindness was captured on video and the agent Tony Carlson was hailed as a hero.

Wait, Carlson said at a press conference Monday. Similar acts of altruism occur every day throughout the country and remind us that "we are first and foremost peace officers and law enforcement officers."

"It's not something spectacular." "It happens all the time, it turns out that this time, someone has filmed it."

Carlson arrived on the homeless, who called Phil, on the parking lot of a Tallahassee gas station while he was struggling with a faulty razor that he had picked up at a secondhand store. As the story unfolded, Phil had applied at McDonald 's, but had been told that he needed to be clean shaven.

Carlson tightened some screws on the razor, but without a mirror, Phil still had problems. So Carlson proposed to shave the thick beard of the man for him.

"If he wants to help each other, I have to be more than helpful and try to help him as best as I can," Carlson explained, adding, "J & # 39; hope Phil will get a job. "


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Phil was happy to get unsolicited help with a shave and joked that Carlson should be a barber.

"You might want to check Carlson retorted that the video, which Greg Wallenfelsz shared on Facebook, was viewed more than 220,000 times and generated hundreds of comments and thousands of shares

." I thought it would be nice to share with others this act of altruistic kindness that this officer showed to a stranger, "Wallenfelsz told CNN

Kelly Duvall, whose daughter took a picture of Carlson shaving. "The simple act of kindness of the officer touches so many lives."

Local r adio personality Greg Tish caught up with Phil, who said a manager at McDonald's "m" said that if I could show myself Monday with my beard cut, they would promise me a job. "

He plans to get his social security" I'll do it ", Phil told Tish

Here's Carlson's video who helped Phil shave:

[19659003] Main photo of Creativ Studio Heinemann / imageBROKER / Shutterstock

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