A hospital in New York says it was aware of sexual misconduct by a pediatric doctor: NPR


Dr. Reginald Archibald was a pediatric specialist in growth and maturation. For decades, he cared for children too small for their age at Rockefeller University Hospital in New York. Now, this hospital says that it has mistreated at least one of them – and possibly others.

The hospital, a respected research institute in New York, said it has known since 2004 "credible allegations" against Archibald, who died in 2007, that he had "improper conduct" with his patient at During the visit of the doctor physical examinations.

In a statement of 5 October, the hospital said that after the first allegations – made by only one patient – he had made contact with the authorities, including the district attorney of Manhattan, and had hired a Counsel for Debevoise & Plimpton to investigate these claims.

The firm found "some" credible allegations and determined that Archibald's behavior with regard to this the patient was "probably" inappropriate.

The statement does not specify what this behavior was, but the New York Times reports that he "masturbated them or asked them to masturbate, sometimes until ejaculation". He also reportedly took nude photos of their Polaroid, according to the newspaper.

The 2004 survey also revealed two previous Archibald reports from the 1990s.

Earlier this year, another former patient of Archibald contacted the hospital with a similar report. The hospital says it has again alerted the authorities and retained the services of Debevoise.

Last month, the hospital sent letters to Archibald's former patients, asking them to share their "experiences or concerns" with the doctor. A large number of his former patients told the hospital that they had been victims of sexual misconduct, according to the statement.

The firm's investigation in 2018 "benefited from additional information that was not available in 2004", including testimonials from other Archibald patients, said the company's #####################################################>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 39; hospital. This investigation revealed that several patients had "inappropriate" behavior on the part of the doctor.

After the findings of their second investigation, the hospital contacted former patients.

On Thursday, the hospital said to have "heard from many of Dr. Archibald's former patients, including a number of them who told us that they had been victims of sexual misconduct" .

"We are dismayed by these accounts," said the hospital. "We deeply regret the pain and suffering caused to one of Dr. Archibald's former patients."

Archibald joined the hospital as a young physician in 1940 and served as a senior physician for 32 years, from 1948 to 1980. He became professor emeritus in 1980 – then professor emeritus in 1987.

Although the hospital apparently found allegations of improper conduct against Archibald minors in 2004, they canceled the doctor's honors only at the beginning of this month. In its statement of October 5, the hospital said it had revoked Archibald's emeritus status and erased his website from references to him.

the Time He has been interviewed by 17 former Archibald patients who have reported being abused. Mostly men, the victims would have been abused at the age of six and at the age of seventeen. Time they were only seen once; from others, every year for many years.

The Rockefeller University Hospital announced in its statement on Thursday that it would create a fund to fund the counseling services of Archibald's former patients who request it.

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