A hotel manager fired for shooting black students in a building


A hotel manager in Florida was fired after shooting students trying to use an elevator in an off-campus housing complex, according to videos.

The man, identified on social networks as Don Crandall, is seen in images blocking the four Florida A & M students – three of whom are black – from getting into a building at the Stadium complex in Tallahassee. Key to the building with them.

"There is my key," Crandall told students Saturday night. "There is my key."

"Sir, you take out your weapon, what is your goal?" Answered a student.

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Crandall. "Excuse me, forgive me."

Later, Crandall told the students to "find another elevator" because he was not going to let them use the one he had just entered.

"Are you the owner of the building?" Answered a student. "Let me know."

"Let me be clear: you are not in this f – king elevator," continued Crandall. "Do you think I'm king?"

The firearms handler, general manager of a nearby hotel, has since been fired by Pax Hotel Group, which runs The Baymont by Wyndham from Tallahassee Central.

"Pax Hotel Group believes in the need to expand and add to the communities we belong to," the company said in a statement posted on Instagram. "Our team took the necessary steps to defend our beliefs."

The hotel chain apologized for Crandall's actions and said it did not "hold" by the actions of its former employee.

"One of the core values ​​of Pax Hotel Group is to treat others as you would like to be treated," the statement said.

Tallahassee police said she was still investigating the incident, according to the Tallahassee Democrat. No arrests took place on Tuesday and a message asking for comments from a police spokesman was not returned immediately Wednesday.

One of the students seen in the video, identified by the Florida A & M student newspaper as Isaiah Thomas, said another white resident had tried to intervene because the other white man was racist. .

When asked why the group was not calling the police, Thomas said, "It just would have been another dead black man.

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