A journal traces the work on stem cells of a former Harvard scientist


The New England Journal of Medicine has withdrawn a 2011 study and is studying two previous studies describing stem cell research conducted by a former Harvard Medical School scientist, Dr. Piero Anversa.

Harvard and Brigham and Women's hospitals in Boston, where Antwerpa had been working, called for the retraction of dozens of articles about it, after examination of evidence of fabrication or falsification of data and modification of images.

The Associated Press was among the many news outlets that published the journal's 2001, 2002, and 2011 papers. They explained how the heart and lungs could help repair themselves by growing new cells, a notion that has upset decades of reflection on the ground.

Antwerpa could not be contacted for comment. A message sent to his last known e-mail address indicated that the account was no longer active.

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