A Kanye and Kim Meme Tricks people sign up to vote


It is to highlight that She has actively stepped up its political coverage over the last year and regularly tweets on political issues. The magazine recently highlighted 10 women who could write history in November; its coverage of midterms has been expanded, and the outlet has written several guides on how to get involved in politics this season. "Women currently represent 20% of Congress members, and magically, they will not grow to 50% in a year. But voting – and voting more women in power – brings us much closer to gender parity, "says a recent article on voter turnout. (She did not respond to a request for comment.)

The idea behind the tweet is not new. People have already tried to feed the readers with spoons with clickable titles before. In 2014, Gawker published a heartbreaking photographic essay featuring images of hungry children in North Korea under the title "10 Absolutely Amazing Pictures of Dennis Rodman's" Vice– Travel to North Korea. "

The format of She 'The tweet itself is also based on a meme that has spread rapidly over the past week. It started last weekend when the educator Tim Cigelske, inspired by a previous tweet from the civil rights activist Ashlee Marie Preston, posted the clickbaity phrase "Wow, I can not believe that's why Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson split up", with a link to Vote.org.

Cigelske's tweet generated 45,000 retweets shared by Ashton Kutcher, Colin Hanks and James Corden. The meme spread quickly after that and quickly became a trope.

Still, many people who view social media information are sharing them blindly, without reading the content of the article beforehand. This behavior became so common that he was even parodied by NPR during a waterfall of April fish in 2014. And in the minutes that followed She 'When the tweet went live, at least two people from my own Twitter feed retweeted the seemingly serious news.

The choice to use Kim and Kanye as scapegoats for this waterfall may seem confusing (although many others before She used the duo for that exact same), given the political burden on the relationship. Kanye is a staunch supporter of Trump and met with the President this month. Kim said she was supporting Clinton in the 2016 election and there has been plenty of unsubstantiated speculation that the policy would have caused a breakdown in their marriage. Why can not I She and others just tweet "Look what this adorable puppy is doing"? One of my colleagues suggested.

Whatever the case may be, the same has apparently resulted in at least some people registering to vote or update their information. "Ty, I did not update my address. I was screwed, " a user tweeted in response to Cigelske. In a Medium article reflecting his viral moment, Cigelske called his tweet "Commentary on our celebrity-obsessed culture." Clickbait for good. "

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