A Lakewood man finds refuge in the deportation of the Seattle church


Hours before Jose Robles was deported because he was illegally in the United States United for 18 years, he was taken to a Seattle church officials. Robles now lives in an uncertain future, just as his family

Robles, of Mexico, is behind the gates of the Lutheran Gethsemane Church in Seattle and the people who gave him refuge and refuge say that he will remain there for the foreseeable future. The only thing that worries his supporters is that immigration and customs officers decide to walk through the doors of the church to apprehend and proceed with the deportation. A vigil for Robles took place in the church on Thursday night that drew dozens of people to the main hall of the Church Sanctuaries.

Kshama Sawant, a member of the Seattle City Council, joined the day before for Robles. telling ICE and the Trump Diet not to touch Jose.

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Robles addressed the crowd in Spanish , thanking them and saying that he had no choice but to seek refuge in the church. Robles' daughter, Brenda, said that the idea of ​​living in the church outside of her young daughters was something that they were still trying to reconcile.

"I think it's absurd that we're here (at the church). There's no reason we should be here," she said.

Brenda says her father rushed to church early Thursday morning. They made the decision one hour before he was supposed to be on a flight to Mexico.

Robles came to the United States with his family illegally 18 years ago – and according to his lawyer and his family did not have a serious criminal history. Brenda Robles says they've been working to get his father's legal status for nearly a decade. Brenda Robles is a DACA beneficiary, as is Robles' 19-year-old daughter. Her 8 year old daughter is a citizen.

"We have been fighting my father's case for eight years and we continue to deny ourselves.There is absolutely no reason for us to be deprived of our rights," said Brenda Robles

. was recently victim of an armed robbery and helped the Lakewood police to solve the crime.It qualified him to apply for a U-Visa visa.

He was refused. When KIRO 7 asked the city of Lakewood, we were told that state law prevented them from discussing the case. "Pastor Joanne Enqguist of the Lutheran Church of Gethsemane says Robles will remain in the church without his family, hoping for a resolution that will keep them together. "It is a religious community, so ICE should stay away, but I have much less confidence .. "
Brenda Robles also lacks confidence in the immigration authorities." We are afraid that at one point given, they can enter and separate a family. "

KIRO 7 reached out to ICE to see if they plan on going into the church to detain Robles. The agency did not give a direct answer to KIRO 7 and directed KIRO 7 towards the guidelines that the agency uses to deal with "sensitive" sites, which include churches. ICE indicates that law enforcement at sensitive locations is generally avoided unless there are special circumstances

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