June 27, 2018 is the last day of Toys R & # 39; Us. The iconic retail store closing nationwide.
Jeff Platsky / Staff Photo
Toys R Us Customers have taken their last selfies with Geoffrey and made their last purchases.
All Toys R Us and Babies R Us stores will close before Friday, announced the iconic toy retailer.
Many stores nationwide will not do it until Friday with some closure on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday.
Just like the day of closing, the discounts vary by location. Some stores have markdowns of 60 to 80% and others of 70 to 90%.
Stocks are also limited and, as stocks are selling, portions of empty stores and driveways are closed with yellow warning ribbons.
But is this really the end for Toys R Us?
While the stores are entering their final days of the liquidation sale, the toy expert Jim Silver, the founder and editor of the website TTPM.com, is not convinced that the story from Toys R Us is over.
There are many bidders interested in the Toys R Us brands, including buyers who understand the potential of a new Toys R Us channel.
"I firmly believe that there will be Toys R Us stores, bricks and mortar, in 2019," Silver said. "It's the end of the chapter, not the story."
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So many memories …
Longtime Toys R Us Children of all ages have expressed their sadness on social media.
"I told myself not to cry but now Geoffrey is drenched in tears" @invaderaddie tweeted
"A sad day for my son while he's visiting his favorite collectible alley for the last time" @EvenvenSimms tweeted
"If you feel my pain, retweet this! # Scriptoysrus, "tweeted Donnell Rawlings (@donnellrawlings) of the Chappelle show.
"Toys R Us will now be an ancient relic like Blockbuster" @LewdPrax dream.
"Last visit to a @toysrus store! What a beautiful place to spend the holidays as a child" @ mjpowers13 tweeted
"The saddest image of Toys R Us," @noellemouse wrote.
"Once a child of Toys R Us, always a child of Toys R Us" @reviewngnetwork tweeted
"Goodbye, old friend," tweeted @trekermeker.
"It's perhaps the saddest image I've ever taken of my child," wrote user Instagram user Ty Lee (@radioguyty). "It's one of those moments you never thought would come."
"We have been trying to have a lifetime of memories over the past 3 months, but today is the day we have to say goodbye," wrote the Instagram user. Shelly McBurnett (@slackerspins). "I would have liked to have more time … not like that, but it was like that."
Some still had the sense of humor …
"They were not joking about everything that was going on" @matthew_akers tweeted "I bought the" R "for a very good price!"
"It was very moving to go into #ToysRUs and see everything being sold" @Tiffaaaylynn wrote. "But the sad thing was that there was not a single ouija card to buy."
And this sign has all the sensations …
"I guess everyone has grown up, there are more kids from Toys R Us," reads the panel tweeted by @MuUnchies.
In the wings
Here's a behind-the-scenes look at a New Jersey Toys R Us in Paramus, the city where the chain's headquarters was located for years before being moved to nearby Wayne.
USA TODAY & # 39; HUI Network reporter Joan Verdon, The (Bergen County, N.J.) Record, contributed to this report.
Kelly Tyko is a columnist and retail reporter for Treasure Coast Newspapers and TCPalm.com, a member of the US TODAY NETWORK. Follow her on Twitter @KellyTyko and send it by email to kelly.tyko@tcpalm.com.
Copyright 2017 USATODAY.com
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