A laughing man launches into a disturbing video


A man was charged after images appeared, showing him laughing while deliberately mowing emus.

A 20-year-old man, who has not been named, is seen hitting about 10 birds and shouting "f ****** emus" as he crosses the Australian hinterland.

The clip was widely circulated online before driving the RSPCA to launch an investigation to find the man.

It is thought that the man is traveling above the speed limit, at about 75 km / h, and seems to enjoy plowing the emus.

"It's great – I have that one too, and that one," he says.

Before the end of the video, the camera turns and shows a man with a mustache wearing sunglasses laughing and shouting.

The RSPCA condemned the video and said: "[We] unequivocally condemn this type of behavior, as it clearly shows contempt for the lives of vulnerable indigenous animals. "

L'homme a été accusé de cruauté accrue envers un animal, de cruauté envers un animal, de tourment envers un animal, de destruction d'espèces sauvages protégées, d'utilisation d'un téléphone portable en conduisant et d'excès de vitesse, selon ABC.

Il comparaîtra devant le tribunal en novembre et pourra se voir infliger une amende maximale de 41 000 livres, voire deux ans de prison.

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