The Democratic Party representative's candidate in a key district of Oakland County on Monday received the resignation of state officials after learning she had embezzled money from another politician's campaign funds.

Jennifer Suidan, 34, of Wolverine Lake, who has not been charged with a criminal offense, allegedly embezzled more than $ 100,000 while working for a major Southfield law firm that manages funds for many Democrats, officials said.

The money came from the Oakland County Treasurer campaign funds, Andy Meisner, said Meisner at a press conference Monday at the Goodman Acker law firm.

Brandon Dillon, the president of the Michigan Democratic Party, and other party officials immediately called Suidan to abandon his race in the House.

"There is no excuse for these acts, whether they are committed during a campaign or as a private citizen," said Mr. Dillon on Monday in a statement. "The only option on the table for Ms. Suidan as a candidate is to suspend her campaign for the 39th Anniversary Seat of the State House immediately."

Suidan did not respond immediately to voice messages, e-mails and Facebook messages left by the Free Press.

At the press conference, Meisner told reporters that "in recent days, I have become aware of serious irregularities in the record keeping of my campaign committee".

"It seems now that the commission's archivist, Jennifer Suidan, has misappropriated money from my campaign. When I learned this, I immediately informed the authorities, "he said.

Suidan "betrayed my trust," said Meisner, adding that he was withdrawing his support for his candidacy for the 39th district. He said that "taxpayer money was not involved", only the contributions paid to his campaign fund.

Suidan was Meisner's campaign director for the 2012 and 2016 elections. She worked for Goodman Acker for five years as a non-lawyer managing campaign funds for Meisner and others, said Gerry Acker. senior partner of the firm. She "was fired," said Acker.

The law firm has long been a strong advocate for Democratic Party candidates. The 39th district includes the city of Wixom, the Township of Commerce, part of the Township of West Bloomfield and the village of Wolverine Lake.

More: Complaints do not stop fundraising for candidates in the State House

Meisner said he had reported the discovery of missing money at the Oakland County Sheriff's Office, the Oakland County Clerk and the State Election Office. The prosecutor's office said Monday that the sheriff's office was investigating.

Meisner's request for an investigation from the Oakland County Sheriff's Office, and his decision to share his decision with the media a few days after discovering that money was lacking, were able to deepen Suidan's candidacy. . district that is called an "open seat" because the outgoing president, the Republican Klint Kesto, is limited this year. Before Kesto, the seat occupied a neighborhood with somewhat different boundaries and was owned by a Democrat – Lisa Brown, who is now Clerk of Oakland County.

Suidan opposes Republican candidate Ryan Berman of Commerce Township, who now seems to be wondering if the discredited Suidan withdraws – leaving only written hopes for the Democrats – or if she refuses to step down and is accused of criminal fault.

In response to the allegations against Suidan, Democratic Party campaign campaign leaders asked Suidan to quit his campaign immediately, perhaps allowing a registered candidate time to speak. Co-chairs of the Democratic Party campaign in the House of Representatives, Kristy Pagan and Kevin Hertel, said in a statement:

"The allegations against Jennifer Suidan are serious and the only appropriate response is that she suspends her campaign and we expect her to do so immediately.These allegations have no impact or connection with the rest of our candidates and we stay focused on the issues that matters to Michigan families. "


Informed of Suidan's announcement on Monday, Ferndale Mayor David Coulter said, "I'm just shocked – I've known her for years and she's the last person I suspect of this type of behavior.

Suidan had received numerous approvals from LGBT groups and environmental groups "because she was a strong advocate," said Coulter. He is co-host of a $ 150 cash-ticket per VIP ticket for Suidan, scheduled for Wednesday night in a posh house in Franklin. He said that he would not go out and withdraw his support for her.

Coulter said Suidan's problems would hurt the Democrats because she may have won her district after spending six years in the hands of Republicans.

"This is really a seat that this year, if the blue wave comes, is at stake," he said.

Contact Bill Laitner: [email protected]

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