A law firm adds 18 names to a list of priests accused of sexual assault in the Diocese of Sj



A Minnesota-based law firm released this morning the names of 33 men linked to the diocese of San Jose who were accused of sexual abuse, based on a list of 15 names that the diocese published last week.

Jeff Anderson & Associates, which began a lawsuit in early October against 10 of the 11 Catholic dioceses in California alleging concealment for sexual abuse, published the list in a large report including 212 names spread across three dioceses, including San Jose, San Francisco and Oakland. .

The report contains photos of the accused, their employment history and charges extracted from existing online resources such as media reports, bishopaccountability.org and public statements from local dioceses. The report also suggests that San Jose was a "garbage dump" for priests accused of sexual abuse.

All the names on the diocese of San Jose list are presented in the report, but 18 new men are accused of sexually abusing children for several years. The majority of the defendants died or were located in the report as "unknown".

Their names join live priests who are believed to be in the Bay Area, including Reverend Don Flickinger, Robert Gray, Alexander Larkin, Hernan Toro and Phil Sunseri.

Some of the defendants, such as Edward F. Beutner, who worked solely in campus ministry at the University of Santa Clara from 1989 to 1991, did not serve in the diocese in an official capacity of priest.

"The data reveal the outrageous magnitude of the hundreds of priests who assaulted thousands of miners from the first story to today in these dioceses," the report says. "The data collected suggest models and practices of church representatives, including the organization of an institutional concealment of enormous magnitude."

The diocese of San Jose, which published its list on Thursday, said their list included only the names of "credible defendants" and that the group could expand. The list includes only persons admitted to the offense who have been legally sentenced or convicted by the Independent Review Commission of the Diocese.

In the new report, many priests have worked in the dioceses of San Francisco and Oakland, in addition to San Jose, and many of them have already worked in schools in the area, including the Santa Clara University and Bellarmine Preparatory College.

The diocese of San Jose said the new list "broke the heart" and that officials are currently studying the names and will respond to the charges by Wednesday. The church added that it is committed to bringing healing and reconciliation to the victims.

"This will allow us to begin the process of restoring trust, hard eroded by those in leadership and trust, to be accountable and transparent about what happened in the diocese of San Francisco. Jose, "said diocesan officials statement.

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