A long-lost letter reveals how Galileo tried to deceive the Inquisition


Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) explaining his theories about the solar system.

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) explaining his theories about the solar system.

A long-lost letter, written by Galileo Galilei, reveals the 17th century astronomer's effort to soften his public position against the Catholic Church's doctrine that the sun revolves around the Earth. The letter, discovered at the Royal Society of London, seems to solve a four-century-old mystery about Galileo's original language on celestial matter.

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In the letter, written in 1613, the The famous astronomer-philosopher-physicist-mathematician argued for the first time against the concept that the sun revolved around the Earth (and not the opposite). When a copy of the letter was later forwarded to the Inquisition in Rome, Galileo claimed that the language had been altered to make it more heretical and produced a lite version that he believed to be the only one that was used. ;original. In fact, as this new discovery shows, it is Galileo who made changes.

The recently rediscovered document, which had been misplaced in the catalog of the Royal Society Library, shows that Galileo himself had made modifications to his original text, in order to protect himself from the wrath of the Inquisition.

The Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus had discussed in his 1543 book On the revolutions of the celestial spheres that the sun was at the center of the universe, while the Earth was a planet in orbit. Although Copernicus himself did not witness the impact of his revolutionary heliocentric theory, the mathematician Giordano Bruno was convicted of heresy in 1600 for his support of the Copernicus theory and burned at the stake .

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Thanks to his telescopic experiments, Galileo found evidence to support the Copernican model. On December 21, 1613, he wrote to his friend Benedetto Castelli, a mathematician at the University of Pisa in Italy, about his discoveries. He argued that passages in the The Bible mentioning astronomical events could not be taken literally and Copernican theory was not necessarily incompatible with the Bible.

Due to the controversial nature of the letter, copies were distributed and one was sent to the Inquisition in Rome in 1615. Shortly after, Galileo wrote to a cleric friend claiming that the letter sent to him Inquisition had been modified to amplify the heresy. Galileo's claims. He joined what he said was the original and asked his friend to forward it to the Vatican.

The two surviving versions of Galileo's letter confounded subsequent scholars, who did not know who represented the astronomer's original text. But in August 2018, Salvatore Ricciardo, historian of postdoctoral sciences at the University of Bergamo in Italy, visited the library of the Royal Society and browsed the catalog online when he found an entry for the letter that Galileo had written to Castelli . Although the date mentioned in the catalog was October 1613, Ricciardo reviewed the document and quickly understood its importance.

"I thought," I can not believe that I discovered the letter that virtually every Galileo scholar thought was desperately lost. " Ricciardo told Nature. "It seemed even more incredible because the letter was not in an obscure library, but in the library of the Royal Society."

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