A look at the future! The Martian SpaceX base


SpaceX's good friends are looking to the future and the friendly sky. The ambitions of SpaceX to bring humanity to Mars is not a big secret, but these plans seem to materialize. Today, we take a look at the SpaceX Martian base, which is only one concept that allows us to see what a Martian outpost might look like.

The SpaceX Martian base is nicknamed Alpha Base Mars, consisting of a domed main building surrounded by smaller structures and a series of launching ramps. SpaceX plans to travel to Mars with its BFR (Big Falcon Rocket), which is expected to start shipping goods to the red planet by 2022. The base could be built as early as 2028, although in the meantime, tests on BFR should be starting next year.

It's indeed a fascinating look on the future, but would you visit? Look at the pictures below and give us your impressions in the comments. Visit SpaceX to learn more about Mars Base Alpha immediately. Keep it locked for more information about this soon.

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