A look in the city of Tornillo


Copyright © 2018 Albuquerque Journal

TORNILLO – Journalists have taken their first steps inside tents that provide temporary emergency shelter to more than 300 teenage migrants during a tour Monday by the US Department of Homeland Security. health and social services.

The facility, located adjacent to the Tornillo border crossing in southwestern Texas, has been the scene of several rallies and public demonstrations by state and local officials protesting President Trump's zero tolerance policy since it opened. at the beginning of the month. But most people have been barred from entering the tent city – including the two US Senators of New Mexico – until this weekend. Senator Tom Udall was able to participate in a pre-scheduled tour Saturday with two other members of Congress.

On Monday morning, a reporter from the Journal was part of a small group that was allowed to participate in a guided tour and saw immigrant children housed in air-conditioned tents serving as accommodations.

"This country cares for children," said Mark Weber, a spokesman for HHS. "We will not let them die in the desert and therefore we have facilities like this where children can be well looked after while waiting for some kind of reunification, a sponsor here in the United States and going through by the immigration procedure. "

Most of the 326 adolescents who stay at the school have arrived at the border only, but 23 have been separated from their parents.

"In the coming days, they will be united," said Weber.

The majority of people in the establishment are boys from Central America. Fourteen girls arrived over the weekend, according to HHS, and do not mingle with boys.

Journalists were not allowed to interview teenagers or take pictures or videos inside the school. The shelter staff could not be identified by name in the reports under the conditions set for the tour.

Attractive rows of bunk beds host approximately 300 teenagers in air-conditioned tents near the Tornillo, Texas border crossing. The residents of the tent city also have dining room and a big screen for the movies. (Source: Department of Health and Social Services)

The tour included tents filled with neat rows of bunk beds, a dining room where children have three meals a day, and a big screen for movies and a popcorn machine.

Most teens, aged 13 and older, prefer to watch the World Cup rather than movies, according to the director of the shelter, and spend their free time on a makeshift soccer field.

Teenagers are not allowed to play football after 14 hours, when the temperature is usually above 100 degrees at this time of year. Inside the tents, the massive air conditioners keep the temperatures cool.

A medical tent manages all emergencies or routine health problems, but there have been no serious problems, according to medical staff. There is a separate tent with six "mental health clinicians" on staff to offer therapy.

The shelter was set up and is managed by BCSF, a private company that has a non-profit emergency management division "Health and Human Services".

The shelter manager stated that BCFS will not extend its 30-day contract beyond July 14.

He is opposed to the separation of families and said: "I would never want to do this mission again."

The company has another contract to provide emergency response, and disaster and medical assistance to federal agencies during natural disasters, including hurricanes.

& # 39; I am blessed & # 39;

Temporary shelter was needed because the 100 HHS shelters for immigrant children across the country were close to capacity.

"The detention cells at the Border Patrol Station are not suitable for children," said Weber.

A Guatemalan mother identified as Miriyam stands next to Ruben Garcia, director of Annunciation House, a shelter for immigrants in El Paso. She hopes to be reunited with her 4 year old son. (Angela Kocherga / Journal of Albuquerque)

The teenagers were transferred to Tornillo to make room for the younger ones in the other facilities. "It would not have been necessary without the separations," said the director of the shelter.

A staff of more than 250 people works in multiple teams permanently to look after teenagers.

The boys, dressed in shorts or jeans and a T-shirt, lined up at one point to get to a "study room" and seemed curious about journalists on tour. Some were silent. Many smiled and said "Hola".

A couple spoke a little English and asked the reporters, "How are you?" When asked the same questions, one boy said, "Very good," and another replied, "I am blessed."

One of the busiest areas of the temporary shelter is the tent that serves as the call center. Inside, more than a dozen boys were sitting at desks while staff dialed numbers for them.

After examining the adult at the other end of the call, a staff member passed the phone. Each teenager is entitled to two 10-minute calls per week to parents or other designated relatives in the United States.

Alternative options

The shelter manager spoke with pride of the conditions of the establishment, which includes a fire truck, emergency response personnel and other skilled employees who are taking care of them. # 39; occupy children.

But, he said, "I am totally against separation".

The "controversial" nature of the school is difficult for his staff, he said.

The shelter received death threats from a Texas man who was arrested in Corpus Christi after multiple threatening tweets, including one that misspelled Tornillo and said, "I'm on my way." to kill."

HHS said it would dismantle temporary shelters "once we feel comfortable, we will have enough space", which should occur since the 2,000 children separated at the border are reunited with their parents or other family members.

But the spokesperson did not have a timetable.

The federal government is studying other options – including military bases – if there is another push in families with children coming to the border.

"We have looked at Fort Bliss as a site we could consider at some point in the future," said Weber.

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