A love for coffee or tea is in the genes


A love for coffee or tea is in the genes. Pexels

It's a guaranteed question of dividing a group of people in the center – do you prefer coffee or coffee?

Now research suggests that the drink you choose may be due to your genes.

Scientists have found that coffee lovers are more likely than average to have a strong taste of the bitter caffeine in the drink. And they tend to drink less tea, which contains less caffeine.

The researchers said that someone who reacts more to bitter flavors is inscribed in their genes. Scores of genetic differences affect our taste receptors.

The study, led by the University of Queensland in Australia, examined the drinking habits of more than 400,000 Britons and their taste preferences via the British Biobank's genetic database.

They found that people less sensitive to caffeine were drinking more tea – and this was especially the case for women.

Co-author Professor Deborah Lawlor of the University of Bristol said, "People who are more sensitive to bitter taste usually avoid them when testing foods like kale and cabbages. "This result – that people who taste the bitter taste of caffeine are more likely to drink coffee – is unexpected."

Do you like the taste of bitter caffeine? Then you probably drink more coffee. Pexels

"But it may be the bitter taste of coffee that is more pleasant and nervous. If you notice a taste, you can look for it more – or being aware of it can make people more aware of the buzz that coffee gives them at the same time. "

Normally, people do not like bitter tastes, which we must avoid by evolution, as this may mean that food or drink is a poison.

* Daily mail

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