A lull in the rain helps the rescue of the cave in Thailand to accelerate


MAE SAI, Thailand – The frenzied effort to find 12 boys and their coach disappeared into a cave in Thailand for a week has gained momentum while a break in the rain facilitated floods in the cave system and other experts from around the world joined the Anxious Rescue Mission.

Research in Chiang Rai Province is slow, mainly because the floods prevented rescuers from entering the cave. The pumping of water has not solved the problem, so the attention is focused on looking for mountain-side wells that could serve as a back door to the blocked areas where missing persons can take refuge.

16, and their 25-year-old coach entered Tham Luang Nang's huge cave after a football match on June 23, but almost constant rains thwarted the search. The authorities nevertheless expressed the hope that the group found a dry place to wait in the cave.

Reflecting this hope, a medical evacuation exercise was held on Saturday morning to see how long it would take to get people out of the cave. 13 ambulances and at the nearest hospital.

Australian police and military personnel joined other multinational teams, including US military personnel and experts from a British cave exploration club. China has sent a team of six experts to rescue and disaster in the cave, said the Chinese Embassy in Bangkok. The group has experience in rescue operations in Myanmar and Nepal, the embassy said.

A second private Chinese group, called Green Boat Emergency, also arrived on Saturday. "Our skills are mountain and cave search and rescue, and we hope we can help," said Wang Xudong, a member of the group.

Governor of Chiang Rai, Narongsak Osatanakorn, said that the drop in the water level in the cave had greatly aided relief. "SEAL divers from the Thai Navy were crucial for research, but they were stuck by muddy water reaching the ceiling of the cave, forcing them to suspend operations again and again. On the way down, they resumed their dives on Saturday, returning to a room from which they had retired earlier in the week, but they were unable to advance more than 200 meters from their homes. current position, reported the team.

In addition to pumping the flooded rooms, the rescuers were working to find the source of the water that was engulfing the cave.

Chaiwat Dusadeepanich of the Department of Groundwater Resources said that his team, which drilled for two days, found a small source of underground water near the cave

"But the water flow did not occur. is not good enough, "he said." We should drill deeper for a get to the source, but at least we found it. Hopefully we can start pumping water from the well by the end of the day.

The hopes of access by mountain-side fissures that could lead to wells in the cave were also high

climbed into a well, and came in about 50 meters, "said the Deputy Chief of the National Police Wirachai Songmetta.He said that the well had led to two separate chambers until now, and that they were planning to go into the second one to try to find passages that could lead to from other rooms, said Wirachai, well in the hope that the missing could recover them.Each package contains food, drinks, a phone, a flashlight, candles, a lighter and a Map of the Cave


Jason Corben, associate video reporter, Bangkok, contributed to this report Associated Press All rights are reserved This document can not be published, disseminated, rewritten or redistributed. 19659019] window.addEv entListener ("DOMContentLoaded", function () {});
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