A man accused of beating a 90-year-old woman is released from prison because of overcrowding


A man from Oregon, arrested last week for allegedly beating a 90-year-old woman in the face, was later released because the prison was too crowded.

Filbert Mwezi Gacinya, 34, was detained shortly after the unprovoked attack and charged with indecency, public indecency and fourth-degree assault, FOX12 Oregon reported.

"He was there dropping his pants and showing up, oh yes, he was an exhibitionist," the victim, who was not identified to protect his safety, told FOX12. "And he was screaming, but I was trying very hard not to pay attention to that and walk."

The victim told the station that she could not remember what happened next.

"I was cold and when I woke up, I was on the pavement in the cement and this woman was helping me and I said:" What is it that passed, did I fall? And she said, "No, you've been hit."

The 90-year-old went to the Multnomah County Judicial Center to confront her attacker on Friday, but to her surprise, he never appeared.

According to the Oregonians, Gacinya and 19 other people were allowed out of jail the previous Sunday for "emergency overcrowding." The records show that 162 detainees were released for overcrowding this year, the newspaper reported.

"Why a man who hits a 90-year-old in the face leaving her stunned on the released sidewalk?"

– The victim's daughter in a letter to DA

The victim's daughter wrote to the public prosecutor asking, "Why is a man who beats a 90-year-old man in the face, stunned on the sidewalk, released?"

Sheriff's Sgt. Brandon White admitted to the Oregonian that lower-level suspects are released when budget constraints prevent more beds from being available.

"Unfortunately, it's like that," White said.

Gacinya is scheduled to appear in court on October 26.

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