A man quoted president Donald Trump after he according to court documents, allegedly twisted a woman during a flight made in southwest Houston to New Mexico on Sunday.

Bruce Alexander, 49, was arrested for possession of sex after Flight 5421 from Southwest to Albuquerque.

According to an affidavit, when Alexander was handcuffed to the wrists, he told his officers that "the President of the United States has said it is acceptable to seize women by their private parts."

Alexander is accused of having touched a woman's breast while he was sitting behind her in the southwestern plane.

The woman said she felt Alexandre's hand move from behind her and catch her right breast. She said she was asleep after 20 minutes of flying and shortly thereafter she felt that he was touching her, but she assumed that it was all right. an accident, according to court documents.

About 30 minutes later, she said she felt Alexandre's hand grabbed the back of his arm and fumbled around his ribs and then his chest.

The woman then stood up and told Alexander that she did not understand how he could think that everything was fine and that he had to stop. She then asked a flight attendant to resettle her and sat in another section of the plane.

The woman stated that she had not drunk alcohol or taken any sleeping pills.

When authorities questioned Alexander, he stated that he did not remember having touched the woman. He said that he was sitting behind a woman and that he was sleeping most of the flight.

He was charged with abusive sexual contact.

Contribute: KHOU-TV in Houston

Read the complete affidavit.

Read or share this story: https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/flights/2018/10/23/accused-groping-southwest-flight-trump-women-private-parts/1736728002/