A man arrested after a fight near the speech on the right


A member of a far-right group was arrested last Friday in Manhattan for a fight with anti-fascist demonstrators, law enforcement sources told NY1 on Thursday night.

Geoffrey Young, 38, from New City, in the north of the state, was arrested around 7 pm. and was accused of attempted assault and riot. Sources said that he belonged to the far right group, the Proud Boys.

The police were looking for 12 members of the Proud Boys and Antifa in connection with several fights after a private Republican club in Manhattan hosted the Proud Boys' founder on Friday night.

ANTIFA VS. Proud Boys

The police department of the city on Monday released a surveillance video showing part of a brawl near the Metropolitan Republican Club in the Upper East Side. The club had invited Gavin McInnes, the founder of the Proud Boys, as a speaker.

At some point in the surveillance video, a group of people are seen throwing people off the ground before hitting and hitting them. No serious injuries were reported, however, and police said the victims refused medical assistance.

According to police officials, nine of the wanted people are members of the Proud Boys and three of Antifa, an anti-fascist group of the far left. Proud Boys, exclusively male, describe themselves as "Western chauvinists". The Southern Poverty Law Center has named the Proud Boys as a hate group.

According to the police department, three members of Antifa were arrested for another incident on 84th Street, where the backpack of a Proud Boys member was stolen.

The NYPD asks anyone with information about the fighting to come forward and said it was investigating whether the attacks were hate crimes.

New York police released the surveillance video of the fight Monday after being criticized for not having made more arrests on Friday night. This led to speculation that the ministry did not have the resources to deal with the violence. The NYPD disputed this claim and said that 48 officers were on the scene Friday with the main mission of keeping the two parties apart, saying the presence of the police was more than sufficient.

"There is a difference between receiving information and prosecuting," said Detective Chief of Police New York Dermot Shea. "All information about these people, we continue to search for information."

When asked why the police did not make arrests on the spot during one of the fights, the officials said that all the people involved in the fighting were scattered when two or three policemen on a scooter arrived.


The Republican club was vandalized by McInnes, co-founder of Vice Media, before Friday's speech. Republican state-wide officials said the damage includes broken windows, a spray-painted door and a glue-covered keyboard lock. A note left on the scene affirmed that the damage was only "the beginning".

Republicans have called on Democrats to denounce the destruction of property. The club had invited McInnes as part of its lecture series, but the building also serves as a seat for New York Republicans since 1902.

The campaign office of Marc Molinaro, Republican candidate for governor, is located in the building. When we asked him if McInnes should have had the opportunity to speak at the club, Molinaro refused.

"We had no role, no idea and, quite frankly, I had never heard of this guy," Molinaro said.

During a teleconference with reporters, Cuomo said that McInnes had been invited by Republicans who knew that there was a potential for violence.

"The Republican Party of the State has organized this.They may be trying to lie about it today, but they can not because it is written and that it is clear, "said the governor. "I have called, and I repeat today, all elected Republicans to repudiate the Proud Boys."

The members of the city council and the state assembly went further by calling on Ed Cox, president of the Republican party, to withdraw.

"At Ed Cox, who continues to manage this by using strategies directly in Trump's game book, I say resign," city council chairman Corey Johnsons said Monday at a press conference outside the US. club. "You proved that you were unworthy of your responsibilities."

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