A man arrested during a brutal attack in Santa Monica and linked to Los Beatings' CBS Los Angeles


SANTA MONICA (CBSLA) – Authorities say that a man who was arrested Monday after an assault in Santa Monica is the same person behind a series of violent attacks in downtown Los Angeles and that he could be linked to a wave of crimes that began in Texas.

There were seven violent attacks in less than three weeks, including four in Santa Monica, and CBS2 learned Monday night the disappearance of two Houston people who may be linked to the suspect.

Ramon Escobar, 47, is a person of interest in the disappearance of Rogelio Escobar and Dina Escobar – his uncle and aunt, said Houston police.

Both disappeared at the end of August and a criminal act is suspected in their disappearances, according to the Houston Police Department.

According to LAPD Media Relations Officer Mike Lopez, Escobar was charged with murder and held without bail.

It is still unclear whether it is linked to the fatal beating of another victim under the port of Santa Monica.

A press conference was scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, when the police would publish more details on the case.

The most recent attack took place on Monday when the victim was wounded in the assault just before 7:00 am in the 1500 block of 7th Street, according to Lieutenant Saul Rodriguez, of the police. Santa Monica.

He was hospitalized with blunt trauma after being treated on the scene.

The police then searched the neighborhood and arrested a man near Broadway block 600, said Rodriguez.

A man arrested at the last brutal attack in Santa Monica could be linked to beatings and missing siblings in Texas

Police said the man is the same suspect behind several attacks in Los Angeles. (Photo courtesy of LAPD)

A statement released Monday afternoon by the LAPD said the investigators thought the suspect was the same person responsible for three violent attacks that occurred in downtown Los Angeles between 4 September and 5 am.

The police then broadcast a surveillance video of a man suspected of having participated in the attacks, which, according to the investigators, were conducted with a baseball bat.

It is unclear whether the suspect is also linked to the beating of a man under the port of Santa Monica last week.

Steve Cruze Jr. was murdered while sleeping under the Santa Monica Pier. While Cruze was initially described by the authorities as homeless, Cruze's family told reporters that this was not the case.

murdered fmanherman e1537593781167 The man arrested in the last brutal attack in Santa Monica could be linked to beatings and missing siblings in Texas

Steve Cruze Jr. (credit: The Cruze family

The Cruze assassination follows the deaths of two homeless men who were beaten and robbed in downtown Los Angeles early in the morning of September 16th. Their names were not disclosed. A third victim, also homeless, was hospitalized in critical condition with severe head trauma.

(© Copyright 2018 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All rights reserved, Wire Services contributed to this report.)

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