A man arrested for threatening the FCC president's family on net neutrality


Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission Ajit Pai. (Jacquelyn Martin / AP)

A man that prosecutors threatened to kill the family of the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission Ajit Pai on the repeal of the "net neutrality" regulations was arrested Friday in Los Angeles.

Markara Man, 33, of Norwalk, Calif., Was charged in Alexandria, Virginia, the federal court with a head to intimidate a federal official by threatening to kill a family member.

According to an affidavit filed in court by John Bamford, Arlington, Va., Police officer working for the FBI, Man sent Pai three threatening emails in December, shortly after Pai voted for repeal the 2015 regulation which required Internet providers to serve all websites at the same speed. the fall that someone also put signs outside his house before the vote, one of whom said, "They will come to know the truth." Dad murdered the cold-blooded democracy He canceled his usual trip to the annual Consumer Electronics Show in January, citing security concerns.

Man's first email stated that "two children committed suicide" on net neutrality. affidavit. "Their blood is forever on your hands."

The second listed three preschools around Arlington, where Pai lives, and said, "I will find your children and I will kill them." None schools was followed by The Children of Pai, according to the Law Enforcement.

The third contained a photograph of Pai in which a framed picture of his family is visible.

Bamford traced the email account – [email protected] – to Man.

According to the affidavit, Man told Bamford in an interview that he wanted to "scare" Pai because the FCC commissioners "have pretty much ignored, like, 80% of the comments. . .

He added that he "did not really think" and that he was "just angry and frustrated".

He said he created this email account to cover his tracks. but also to appear "harder".

Bamford says that Man showed him a letter to Pai that said in part: "I'm sorry to have made a threat to your children.It was crossing the line.I hope that you will change your mind … but I doubt it. "

If convicted, the man risks up to 10 years in prison.

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