A man killed by armed UAP agents had a valid hidden port license


Jason Erik Washington, the man killed by the armed officers of the Portland State University Friday morning, had a valid hidden harbor license at the time of his death.

Two of Washington's colleagues and at least one witness say that Washington, 45, was black.

Keyaira Smith, a witness who filmed the moments leading up to Washington's death, told the OPB that he was "trying to be a good Samaritan" by interrupting a fight.

Video footage shows what appears to be a black object attached to the right side of Washington as he saw it snatching one man from another, two UPS police officers can also be seen

"The gun escaped from the holster when it fell, and I think it may have tried to recover"

C & # 39; is when the police returned, she said.

Sergeant Brent Laizure, a spokesman for the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office, confirmed that Washington had a valid hidden port license.

Washington was a Navy veteran and an employee of the United States Postal Service since 1998. He worked with the Collections Unit as a postman at the main office in downtown Portland, where he also served as a delegate. union.

Washington was married with three children and a grandchild.

"He loved these kids, he was crazy about them," said David Norton, president of the National Association of Letter Carriers, branch 82. Norton had known Washington for seven years.

"He had a great personality, he always had a lot to say, he had a personality more than life, he was always very lively and exuberant, and if you had already worked with the guy you would never forget him

Norton said Washington was with his colleagues the day he was shot dead

PSU officials are already preparing to defend the university against a trial The leaders have called a closed executive session to the public Friday afternoon to discuss potential litigation The meeting was held even though the leaders knew little about the victim, other than the fact that he was probably not a student PSU.

Several agencies, including the Multnomah County District Attorney's Office and the Portland Police Bureau's homicide bureau, are investigating this incident. PSU and SCH have not not officially identified Washington or provided many details about the incident.

The university president, Rahmat Shoureshi, said he asked the chief of public security campus of the university to conduct an internal evaluation and an assessment of the incident.

The Portland University Students Union asks the University to disarm the campus officers with a rally scheduled for Sunday – the third anniversary of the year when the University of Portland University University armed the officers of the public security of the Campus.

The university board of directors voted controversially in 2014 to employ sworn armed police on campus.

"All those who have expressed dissension over the years at the arming of the OMCO and at the creation of a police force knew that one day this decision would result in deadly violence and we know that this will continue as long as campus security remains a dedicated and armed police force, "wrote the PSUSU on its Facebook page. "There's no way around that – that's how the police work."

Rob Manning and Amelia Templeton contributed to this report.

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