A man threatened to murder children of Ajit Pai, president of the FCC: DOJ


A California man was arrested on Friday after allegedly threatening to murder the children of the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Ajit Pai, due to the repeal of neutrality regulations from the Net. The emails in which he blamed the FCC president for the alleged child suicides over the repeal, the Justice Department said.

"Two children committed suicide over [the Official Action] up here because you are voting for breakage of equality … * Stares haunts you * * Slowly raises the arm and the dots directly to you * Their blood is forever in your hands, "said an e-mail, according to an FBI affidavit.

One of the Emails »

The FBI traced the emails sent to Norwalk's Man House in May using an IP address provided by Google, when Mr. Man admitted have sent emails. He is accused of threats of murder against an immediate family member of a US civil servant and faces up to 10 years in prison. if convicted.



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