A mayor of Utah killed in an "attack attack" in Afghanistan, officials say


NORD OGDEN, Utah – The mayor of a Utah town was killed during an attack in Afghanistan while serving with the State National Guard, confirmed the interim Mayor of Utah. the city, Brent Chugg, at KUTV, affiliated with CBS, in Salt Lake City. North Ogden Mayor Brent Taylor died Saturday in an "attack attack" in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.

Another member of the US military is being treated for injuries sustained during the attack, US military officials said.

The Utah National Guard identified the killed service member as a member of the guard. The name of the Guardian is kept secret pending the notification of the next of kin.

But Utah Governor Spencer J. Cox wrote on his Facebook page that Taylor, 39, was killed.

brent-taylor-North Ogden Mayor-murdered-afghanistan-2018-11-3.png

North Ogden Mayor Brent Taylor was killed in an "attack attack" in Afghanistan.

North Ogden City

"Devastating news: North Ogden Mayor Brent Taylor was killed today while serving in Afghanistan," Cox said. "I hate it, I'm fighting for words, I love Mayor Taylor, his amazing wife Jennie, and his seven adorable kids, Utah cries for them today." This war cost us the best again. the blood of a generation, we need to gather around his family. "

US Senator Orrin Hatch issued a statement Saturday on Taylor's death on Twitter. "Brent was a hero, a patriot, a wonderful father and a dear friend, the news of his death in Afghanistan is devastating, my prayers and love go to Jennie and her 7 young children, and we will always remember her service." said Hatch. .

Republican candidate in the Senate, Mitt Romney, said he was "torn by the tragic news".

Utah Governor Gary Herbert plans to hold a press conference Sunday to discuss the death of this man.

Taylor was deployed to Afghanistan in January with the Utah National Guard for a period of work supposed to be 12 months. Taylor, a National Guard officer, has served twice in Iraq and one in Afghanistan.

In what appeared to be his latest message on Facebook, Taylor on Oct. 28 shared footage of Afghans voting and urged his fellow Americans to vote.

"As the United States prepares to vote in our own elections next week, I hope that everyone at home will exercise its precious right to vote," he wrote. "And whether Republicans or Democrats win, we all remember that we have many more Americans who unite us than divide us – God bless America."

At the time of his January deployment, Taylor told the local media that as an intelligence officer, he would be assigned to an advisory team to train the staff of an Afghan commando battalion.

"At the moment, my experience and skills are needed to participate in our country's long war in Afghanistan," he said. "President Trump has ordered an increase in troops, and part of the new strategy focuses on building the capacity of Afghan commando units."

Taylor became mayor of North Ogden, a town of about 17,000 residents, 46 miles north of Salt Lake City in 2013.

Charlie D & Agata of CBS News reported that more than 2,400 Americans were killed during the 17-year war. Earlier this year, Sgt. Major Timothy Bolyard was shot dead by a member of the Afghan security forces who had come to Afghanistan to train.

This attack followed another internal attack that cost the life of the 20-year-old corporal of the army. Joseph Maciel in July.

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