A medical research study links air pollution to diabetes, the effects are global


Could air pollution be a cause of diabetes and other diseases?

More and more evidence suggesting a link between air pollution and diabetes has not been quantified so far. Researchers from the University of Washington School of Medicine in St. Louis collaborated with the St. Louis Healthcare System Veterans Affairs to study the effects of air pollutants. Their goal was to find out if there was a link between high levels of pollution and diabetes.

The results of this study were shocking. Not only did scientists find that there was, in fact, a relationship between air pollution and the global problem of diabetes, but these results also indicate that pollution levels deemed safe are also involved. In addition, such a determination suggests that by decreasing air pollution, humanity could potentially see a decline in diabetes cases; Medical Express

Ziyad Al-Aly, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Washington, was the senior author of the study. The discovery of the researchers was published in The Lancet Planetary Health June 29, 2018.

"Over the last two decades, there has been research on diabetes and pollution. parts for a broader, more solid understanding. "

Pollutants investigated by researchers included particles such as smoke, soot, dirt, liquid droplets, and microscopic dust particles. bloodstream by entering the lungs Health problems and diseases, including morbidity-related diseases such as heart and kidney disease, stroke and cancer, have also been associated with these levels of environmental pollution. It is said that the effect of these levels on diabetes triggers inflammation and reduces insulin production, which in turn prevents the body from doing its job to maintain health by converting glucose into energy

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The Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant the early morning hours March 28, 2011 in Middletown, Pennsylvania.

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"Our research shows a significant link between air pollution and diabetes in the world, and we found increased risk, even at lower levels of air pollution currently considered safe by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the World Health Organization (WHO). This is important because many Industry lobbyists argue that current levels are too stringent and should be relaxed.The evidence shows that current levels are not yet safe enough and should be strengthened. "

In 2016, scientists estimated that 3.2 million cases of diabetes were related to air pollution. This figure represents 14% of all new cases of diabetes in 2016. The figures are considered alarming for the researchers, who also assessed the situation and found that 8.2 million years of life corrected for the first time. incapacity were lost the same year. This study attributed that 150,000 new cases a year are related to air pollution. That's up to 350,000 healthy life years lost each year.

The EPA pollution threshold in the United States is 12 micrograms per cubic meter, the researchers say; a figure that maximizes what is supposed to be considered safe. These scientists pray to differ. For more readings on this study, see the report on The Lancet .

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