A meteorite landed on the roof of a residential house in Japan


Метеорит приземлился на крышу жилого дома в Японии

In the Japanese city of Komaki, in Aichi prefecture, a miracle occurred: on the roof of one of the local homes and the earthly meteorite, 4.5 million years old. 39; years.

On Saturday, October 13, according to the broadcaster NHK, citing the National Museum of Science, Корреспондент.net.

It should be noted that tenants who were at the time of the fall of a celestial body heard a thud. After the inspection of the building, it was revealed that the "extraterrestrials" of the space had considerably damaged the roof of the house.

The experts arrived at the scene and found three stones 10, 5 and 4 cm in diameter, each of which had been burned.

NHK has posted a video on Twitter in which a woman, whose house was a meteorite, shows her piece and demonstrates its magnetic properties.

The tenants presented the discovery to experts at the National Museum of Science. In the future, the meteorite plans to enroll in the international meteorological society as "Komaki meteorite".

It should be noted that the incident occurred at the end of September, but the media only learned about it now.

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