A Michigan professor slammed after refusing to write a letter of recommendation for a student asking to study in Israel


A professor at the University of Michigan has been criticized for refusing to write a letter of recommendation for a student applying to study in Israel.

UM research professor John Cheney-Lippold informed student Abigail Ingber of her decision in an email that went viral after Club Z, a young Zionist organization, released a video capture screen on his Facebook page.

"I'm really sorry, but I only scanned your first email a few weeks ago and I missed a key detail," wrote Cheney-Lippold. "As you may know, many university departments have promised an academic boycott against Israel for Palestinians living in Palestine. This boycott includes the writing of letters of recommendation for students who plan to study there.

Cheney-Lippold told the Michigan Daily "the perpetual claim of anti-Semitism that I totally deny," adding that he "had just called on the representative of Palestinian civil society to boycott Israel in a tactical framework very similar to South Africa ".

Rick Fitzgerald, spokesman for UM, told Fox News that "the university is still opposed to boycotting Israeli institutions of higher education," adding that "injecting personal policies in support of our students goes against our institutional values ​​and expectations ".

In a previous statement, the university said it was "disappointed" by Cheney-Lippold and would engage teachers "in extensive discussions to clarify how the expression of our shared values ​​materializes in favor of all our students. "


UM leaders, including the president and the provost, have publicly denounced the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel. Last November, the Board of Regents rejected a pro-BDS proposal that was passed by the student government.

Earlier this year, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder enacted a law banning boycotts against individuals or a public entity of a foreign state.

Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, criticized the professor's actions on Twitter.

"Not acceptable," writes Greenblatt. "A student who strives to learn and continue his studies should never be a victim of political bias. The university must publicly clarify its opposition to the academic boycott of Israel. "

Caleb Parke is associate editor for FoxNews.com. You can follow him on Twitter @calebparke

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