A mother with colon cancer invites others to get tested early


The video message of a 32-year-old mother, urging others to listen to their bodies and control their symptoms, became viral after sharing that she had been diagnosed with colon cancer a few days earlier. Jennifer Waller, a nurse from New Jersey, said she was suffering from weight loss and abdominal discomfort that could have been ruled out as symptoms of the laden life.

Despite her young age, she received a colonoscopy and woke up four hours later to find out that she had cancer.


"When I woke up, he told me that I had a big tumor," said Waller, a single mother of two young children, in his August 29 video. "It was a shock because I can not have cancer. I am a nurse. I'm busy with people. I tell people that you have cancer. I treat you. I can not have cancer. Yet here I am saying the words that make me so nauseous.

Waller said that she had already had her breasts checked and that many blood tests were done before the colonoscopy. According to the American Cancer Society, people who are overweight or obese, physically inactive, who have a diet rich in red meat, who smoke or who have a high alcohol consumption, are more likely to develop cancer. colon.

In the United States, the guidelines recommend that patients be screened for colon cancer by the age of 50, which Waller believes would have been too late.

"I made this video because here in the United States, you do not post until age 50. It's 18 years old, "she said. "I mean, according to my biopsy, I would be dead. And if I had not come in and if I had not been aware of my body, I would have been dead.

Waller's video has been viewed more than 23,000 times since she posted it, and her colleagues have launched a GoFundMe to help cover her lost wages during her absence.


"You think of things you never want to think about," she said in her video. "Who will take care of my children? What will I do? Can I afford treatments? Can I afford not to work? I mean that's crazy. I wanted to make this video for people to be aware of because I think there are a lot of feelings that you can not necessarily feel.

Waller did not share the details of her diagnosis, but stated that she was spreading quickly and that she was committed to staying positive during the treatment.

"I will not be a victim," she said. "I will not feel bad for myself. I am going to fight. I will fight like hell and no matter where this road leads me, no matter where I am, I will always be at the top. So, cancer, let us dance. I'm ready."

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