A murdered man killed one man and wounded four others at the Tallahassee Yoga Studio


A gunman killed one person and wounded four others in a yoga studio in the Florida capital before killing himself on Friday, officials said.

The shooting occurred at Hot Yoga in the Betton Place Mall on Thomasville Road, reported the Tallahassee Democrat. Several police cars and ambulances were on the scene.

At a news briefing on Friday night, Tallahassee police chief Michael DeLeo said four people were in critical condition following the shooting.

The suspect is shot dead, said city spokeswoman Alison Faris. City spokesman Jamie Van Pelt said the shooting appeared to be part of a domestic conflict.

DeLeo said the police did not identify the gunman and asked anyone who saw anything unusual at the time of the shootings to contact the police.

A major suburban intersection was blocked and the shops in the square were locked when the police arrived at the scene.

She Welling said that she was leaving an alcoholic beverage shop in front of the mall and that she had seen at least three people being loaded into ambulances.

"You do not think about that in Tallahassee, and now you have to do it," said Welling, 26, who lives in the neighborhood.

Alex Redding told the Democrat that he was in a bar near a hyperventilating woman accompanied by a man who had blood on his head. Witnesses said that a man was acting strangely and had started shooting during a yoga class.

The mayor of Tallahassee, Andrew Gillum, who is the Democratic nominee for the governorship, tweeted that he was breaking the campaign to return to Tallahassee.

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