A mysterious "UFO" immediately washed away by the authorities after being washed on the beach


An unidentified object failed on a beach in America and was quickly taken away by the authorities.

The huge round body was found on a beach in Seabrook Island, South Dakota, and featured in a message posted on Facebook by Lowcountry Marine Mammal Network (LMMN).

She said, "Look at this mysterious object that landed today in Seabrook Island! What do you think it is? "

The post has been flooded with theories about what that is.

Jennifer Passantino wrote, "I saw it this morning during my walk.

"I guess it was a buoy, but could also be the remains of an alien spacecraft."

"(This) could also be the remains of an extraterrestrial spaceship"


Many have said it sounds like a space capsule or satellite debris, and some have speculated that it could be the result of a rocket launcher from the Space Shuttle Challenger that exploded there. is around 30 years old.

Many social media users have stated that it was an anchor buoy or a drag float used to remove sediment and debris from the bottom of lakes and rivers .

One stakeholder stated that the object appeared to be concrete, but the Marine Mammal Network of Lowcountry Marine stated that it looked like a "moss" and that it "floated easily".

The mystery was blown away by the city's leaders, according to LMMN.



This weird object was beached on a beach in South Dakota
(Pic: LMMN)

This week, a British skywatcher claimed to have sighted a UFO flying beyond the moon – and conspiracy theorists now claim that it could be a secret coverup of NASA.

The video shows when Jason Callum directed his telescope to the lunar surface to better look at the craters.

But what he discovered left him stunned.

The clip, captured in Bracknell, Berkshire, shows a small black object crossing the screen by zooming from right to left.

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