A nationwide hunt for a serial pipe bomb suspect targeting Democrats


The discovery of five homemade bombs sent by mail to prominent Democrats, CNN and a liberal billionaire worried the country on Wednesday and sent law enforcement officials scrambling to prevent others parcels do not reach their goals.

The hunt for the suspects was launched late Tuesday night when secret service agents in charge of filtering standard mail discovered a homemade bomb in a folded kraft paper envelope inside a bubble-covered envelope and addressed to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. A similar bomb was found a few hours later in a letter addressed to former President Barack Obama.

According to law enforcement officials, neither of the two bombs approached the intended target, nor any written message, but both discoveries also uncovered other undisguised devices, notably in the mail room at CNN Headquarters in New York and in the Rep. District Office. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.).

New York Police Commissioner James P. O'Neill said the police had discovered what appeared to be an "explosive device" at CNN, although officials did not immediately indicate the effectiveness with which this craft or the others could have caused damage.

As new devices were discovered, a disturbing pattern emerged: the suspect or suspects appeared to be targeting political left figures.

The first package of this type was discovered Monday at the home of George Soros, a billion-dollar militant known for financing pro-democracy and liberal political groups in New York.

Officials described the bombs as terrorist attempts and warned that the number of bombs – and expected casualties – could increase. FBI director Christopher A. Wray appealed for help from the public to catch the suspect and warned those concerned not to touch the suspicious packages.

"This investigation is a top priority for the FBI," Wray said in a statement. "We ask anyone who may have information to contact the FBI. Do not hesitate to call; no information is too small to help us in this investigation. "

Officials said that the parcels used as a return address addressed the office of Wasserman Schultz, who chaired the Democratic National Committee for part of the 2016 campaign. One of these parcels used an incorrect address for the former Attorney General. Eric Holder was "fired" at Wasserman Schultz's office in Sunrise, Florida, where he was intercepted, officials said. Authorities do not think she was involved in the parcels and think that she was a potential victim. A spokesman for Holder declined to comment.

Another homemade bomb was found in the mail at CNN headquarters in New York, addressed to John Brennan, former director of the CIA under the Obama administration. Since he left the government, Brennan is a virulent critic of President Trump. He is an on-air analyst for NBC News and MSNBC, rather than for CNN.

In a congressional mail sorting center, the investigators intercepted a parcel of the same appearance addressed to the representative Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), But the FBI officials did not write this parcel among those who He was examining.

In a statement, Ms. Waters told the police that her office "was the target of a suspicious package sent back to the FBI. I am grateful to the law enforcement agencies who intercepted the package and are investigating this case. I unequivocally condemn all acts of violence and terror. "

The packages were accompanied by computer-printed address labels, six Forever stamps, and return addresses with the misspelled name of Wasserman-Schultz, officials said.

Law enforcement officials described the devices as pipes stuffed with explosives and wrapped in electrical wire and tape, but they did not provide any details about how they would have exploded. The FBI, the secret services, the New York Police Department and other agencies launched into high gear Wednesday morning to try to figure out who was behind the bombs – and how many others could be in route to the intended victims. According to law enforcement officials, at least two of the devices appeared to have been delivered by hand.

"We will not rest until we have stopped sending these dangerous letters to the post office and we will bring the people involved to justice," said Bryan Paarmann, who is responsible for combating terrorism at the FBI. The devices were sent to the FBI laboratory in Quantico, Virginia, for further analysis.

Malcolm Brady, a former chief of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives who has spent decades investigating bomb suspects, said federal officials were carefully studying parcels for clues. on the identity or location of the sender.

"You have to be extremely careful when you look at these items because a piece of tape might have a fingerprint," Brady said.

Most suspects are "lonely types," said Brady, who added that he doubted that this suspect was mistaken using a wrong address for Holder.

"It sounds like an intentional manipulation of the system, to try to make it go to the congressman. I strongly suspect that he wanted this package to go to her. This suggests that he is really focused on it, "said Brady.

Wasserman Schultz issued a provocative statement.

"We will not be intimidated by this attempt at violence. This appalling attack on our democracy must be vigorously pursued and I am deeply troubled by the way my name has been used, "she said. "Today, my staff and I will be hugging you and your family and we will be back in the service of tomorrow, serving the people I have been elected to represent."

In the midst of the frantic pace of the investigation, some alarms proved to be wrong. A suspicious package sent to New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo (D) was actually a USB key, according to the NYPD. The authorities also searched an office building in San Diego housing a newspaper before concluding that there was no danger there.

The known recipients of the bombs are all frequent targets of conservative politicians, including Trump. Speaking to the White House, the president decried the bombs and promised that the federal government would bring those responsible to justice.

"In these times, we must unify," he said. "We must unite and send a very clear, strong and indisputable message that acts or threats of political violence, whatever they may be, have no place in the United States of America."

These words did not satisfy CNN President Jeff Zucker, who issued a very critical statement against the administration about the press.

"There is a complete and complete lack of understanding in the White House as to the seriousness of the continuation of their attacks on the media," Zucker said. "The president, and especially the White House press officer, should understand that their words matter. Until then, they have not shown any understanding of this. "

An Obama representative referred questions to the secret services. Speaking Wednesday in Florida, Clinton said his family was "fine, thanks to the secret service men and women who intercepted the package that was sent to us well before it was sent home." ".

She also talked about the anger that was going through American politics: "It's a troubling time, is not it? It is a time of deep divisions and we must do everything in our power to bring our country closer. "

Politicians from both parties condemned the mail-bombs. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) Called these people "attempted acts of national terrorism". New York Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) used similar language.

"It is clearly an act of terror, which is trying to undermine our free press and the leaders of this country by acts of violence," de Blasio said.

As news of homemade bombs spread, the authorities promised to tighten security measures. The NYPD has increased patrols in areas related to public figures and press offices.

The Sergeant-at-Arms Senate sent a message to Senators and their staff advising them to exercise caution when handling mail and reminding people not to bring mail or unopened packages from Outside in their Senate offices.

Thirty offices associated with the political work of Tom Steyer, a major Democratic donor, have significantly increased security over the last 48 hours, in light of threats to Soros and others, said spokesman Erik Olvera Steyer Group, Need to Impeach. They also stepped up security measures for Steyer, the largest super-PAC donor, supporting Liberal causes and candidates in this election cycle.

Cleve R. Wootson Jr., Carol D. Leonnig, Philip Rucker, John Wagner, Souad Mekhennet and Michelle Ye Hee Lee in Washington, and Renae Merle and Steven Zeitchik in New York contributed to this report.

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