A new DNA-based Ebola vaccine is safe and effective


Scientists, including one from India, have developed a new synthetic DNA vaccine against Ebola that they believe is safe and offers long-term protection against the virus.

Using a unique approach, researchers at the Wistar Institute in the United States have designed synthetic optimal vaccine candidates targeting a surface protein of the virus called glycoprotein.

They demonstrated the effectiveness of new candidate vaccines and the sustainability of immune responses in animal models.

The findings, published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, showed a strong immune response one year after the last dose, corroborating the vaccine's long-term immunogenicity – a particularly difficult area for Ebola vaccines.

"The success of intradermal administration of a low-dose diet is very encouraging.The ultimate goal of our work is to create effective, safe and optimized vaccines for use in the field in areas at risk, "said Ami Patel of the Wistar Institute.

The researchers optimized a shorter and more rational immunization scheme and simplified the administration of the vaccine directly into the skin.

This new approach induces rapid and protective immunity to viruses.

The antibody levels detected were equal to or greater than those reported for other vaccines being evaluated in the clinic, according to the study.

"The non-viral synthetic DNA technology allows the rapid development of a vaccine directly into the skin, which provides consistent, powerful and fast immunity compared to traditional vaccine approaches," said David B. Weiner of the Immunization and Immunotherapy Center of Wistar.

"An Ebola virus-like DNA vaccine like this could be an important new protection tool, and we are excited about the future of the studies," said Weiner.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), infection with the Ebola virus is at the origin of a severe haemorrhagic fever resulting in a 50% mortality rate.

Recent advances have led to the development of promising experimental vaccine candidates that may be associated with side effects and can not be applied to specific vulnerable populations, such as children, pregnant women and immunocompromised individuals.

(This story has not been changed by Business Standard staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)

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