A new DNA tool that accurately predicts size could possibly assess the risk of serious illness


Researchers at Michigan State University claim that a new DNA tool capable of accurately predicting the size of a person could possibly have a much bigger goal: saving lives.

The tool, an algorithm that uses the genome of an individual to predict human characteristics, including height, bone density and level of education, might one day assess the risk of diseases such as than cancer and heart disease.

"We have validated this tool for these three results, but we can now apply this method to predict other complex health risk features such as heart disease, diabetes, and breast cancer," Stephen said. Hsu, principal investigator of the study and vice-president. for research and graduate studies at the MSU. "This is only the beginning."

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The researchers hope that this tool will lead to a dramatic advance in health accuracy, which will allow early medical intervention in patient care and help prevent or delay the disease.

The researchers performed an analysis of the complete genetic makeup of about 500,000 adults in the UK using machine learning. The results were reported in the October issue of "Genetics".

During validation tests, the size of a person was accurately predicted to an inch or so. The bone density and level of education are not as accurate, but they are "accurate enough to identify peripheral individuals who may have a very low bone density associated with osteoporosis or from beat at school, "the researchers said.

"Our team thinks that the future of medicine is the future," he said. "For the patient, a genomic test can be as simple as a cheek swab, with a cost of around $ 50. Once we have calculated the predictive factors for genetic diseases, early intervention can save billions of dollars in treatment costs and, more importantly, save lives. "

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