A new revelation of "Captain Marvel" supports the most heartbreaking theory of "Avengers 4" – BGR


We already knew that the Captain Marvel The original story would unfold in the 90's and offer us a different look at the Marvel world, long before the recent events that led to the massive confrontation between Avengers and Thanos. But a new revelation tells us exactly when the Captain Marvel The film will be located in the Marvel timeline, which could prove to be a huge detail for the next Avengers 4 movie that will follow Captain Marvel at the box office next year. The new revelation is also the subject of a recent Avengers 4 the fan theory which is the most heartbreaking scenario we have seen so far.

The actress Brie Larson, who will play Captain Marvel in several MCU movies starting with the original story, issued the following message on Twitter on Monday to encourage fans to vote today:

You will see Larson In Captain Marvel, hacking a phone in a public phone booth surrounded by "Rock The Vote" ads. There is also a date of "Thursday, August 29" seen in the promotion of certain shows (in the lower right corner of the photo). These details were sufficient to MCU Cosmic to conclude that the film is probably turned towards 1992, a crucial period for events in the UCM up to Avengers 4.

MCU Cosmic explains that August 29th only happened on a Thursday that twice in the 90s, in 1991 and 1996. But the "Rock the Vote" posters surrounding the stand are part of an MTV campaign that preceded the 1992 elections.

A few days ago we talked about the most heartbreaking Avengers 4 theory so far, which suggests Captain Marvel will explain Nick Fury's evolution from an office job at SHIELD to the top of the organization. The idea is that Fury can give details of the future in order to organize various events in the UCM in the precise order they have occurred in the movies. In this way, the Avengers will take this particular path that turns out to be the only way to defeat Thanos.

Dr. Strange would play a central role in all of this, as he would travel to various places in time to make sure the events go exactly as they should happen.

But the most intriguing detail of the theory concerns Tony Stark and his parents, who died in 1991. This theory suggests that Tony is perhaps the one who will sacrifice them to obtain a version of the Soul Stone which he would need for the Avengers to make their own Infinity Gauntlet.

This is just a fan theory – more details are available on this link – but the confirmation that Captain Marvel is in the early 90s is nonetheless essential. It is possible that we do not see Dr. Strange or Tony-du-future in Captain Marvelbut the film will probably tell us what happened to Fury in the past and why Captain Marvel left Earth. He will also deliver the last pieces of the puzzle before Avengers 4. Of course, it would not be surprising to see Dr. Strange in Captain Marvel's generic scenes.

Finally, Captain Marvel will probably explain why Fury will eventually ring Captain Marvel at the end of War of Infinity. He is a pager he could have used at any time in previous years to ask for help. He did not do it because he probably knew he would need it for a particular event to come.

Captain Marvel premieres on March 8 of next year, almost two months before Avengers 4. A new trailer for the film could come out in the coming weeks.

Image Source: Marvel Studios

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