A new study shows how two truly Earth-like exoplanets can be due to axial tilt


A performance of artists shows Kepler-186f in a habitable area similar to the Earth. A new study shows how much the exoplanet looks like the Earth because of its axial inclination. ( NASA Ames / JPL-Caltech / T. Pyle / Georgia Institute of Technology )

How Exoplanet Can It Look Like the Earth? A new study provides clues as to how two known exoplanets could have an Earth-like axial tilt and so could have regular seasons and relatively stable climates just like the Earth. [Kepler-186fKepler-186f

Kepler-186f is an exoplanet outside the solar system which, like Earth, is in the habitable zone of its solar system. Before its discovery in 2014, another exoplanet, Keplet-62f, was considered the most terrestrial planet. The two planets are just at the right distance from their host stars to have water on the surface, placing them in the same area that has allowed life to flourish on Earth.

A new study adds clues to how these two exoplanets more similar to the Earth than previously thought, as researchers assume that their axial inclinations may also be similar to those of the Earth. By performing simulations to determine the spin axis dynamics of the exoplanets, the study's researchers determined that the Kepler-186f axial tilt is quite stable, just like that of the Earth , and they believe that the case is also the same for Kepler-62f. , which is also in the habitable zone but whose axis is rather unstable and can vary from 0 to 60 degrees, the axial inclination of the Earth moves rather slightly between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees thanks to to the moon that stabilizes its axial inclination. Although researchers do not yet know whether Kepler-186f or Kepler-62f have Earth-like satellites, their calculations show that even without it, the axes of rotation of the two exoplanets have remained constant for tens of millions of years. ; years.

Why is it important?

As our own solar system shows, being in the habitable zone is obviously not enough for a planet to be the perfect host of life. As mentioned, Mars is also in the habitable zone just like the Earth, but its lack of a fairly stable axis inclination may have made it less than livable. In fact, researchers believe that this may even have contributed to the degradation of the planet's atmosphere and the evaporation of its surface waters.

The results of the new study could mean that exoplanets could have stable climates and regular seasons. Naturally, researchers do not say that the planet is harboring or harboring water, but researchers assume that they are both good candidates in the search for life outside the Earth. "Even on Earth, life is remarkably diverse and has shown incredible resilience in extraordinarily hostile environments, but a climate-stable planet could be a more comfortable place to start," said Yutong Shan of the Harvard Center for Astrophysics. Smithsonian, co-author of the study.

The study is published in The Astronomical Journal . 19659012] View: 30 Gadgets and Gifts for Father's Day 2018 This Dad Will Think of Being Rad

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