A New York Times op-ed provokes denials from Trump staff: a list of officials claiming that they are not the author


In the aftermath of the crippling New York Times written by a top unnamed White House official, a host of senior administration officials hastened to deny any involvement.

The editorial, released on Wednesday, described a secret effort to protect the country from "treacherous impulses" of President Trump and alleged that there were "murmurs within the Council of Ministers invoking the 25th Amendment" for the President to be removed from office.

The controversial play immediately triggered a hubbub on the part of Trump and other White House officials. The president called on the New York Times to ensure that the "scruffy" official was immediately handed over to the government.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said, "This coward should do what is right and resign."

But while Trump wondered if the opinion was written by a "fictitious source" and that others had combed for clues about the author, many White House officials have publicly denied it. the author.

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Here is a list of White House officials who have denied any involvement in the play so far.

Vice President Mike Pence: The use of the word "lodestar" in the coin triggers an early speculation that Pence, who has an affinity for this term, might be at the origin of the article.

But Jarrod Agen, his director of communication, tweeted that Pence always puts his opinion on opinion pieces.

"The [New York Times] should be ashamed and the person who wrote the editorials wrong, illogical and without our office is above these amateur acts, "he added.

Pence also asked the author to resign.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: S addressing reporters following a meeting in India, Pompeo said the editorial was "not mine". He also criticized the New York Times for its publication, saying "should not have chosen a mean, misleading and bad actor for nothing."

Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin: Treasury Department spokesman Tony Sayegh Jr. said, "It is laughable to think that this could come from Mnuchin.

Mnuchin "is honored to serve [the president and] the American people. He believes that it was irresponsible for [The New York Times] to print this anonymous piece, "he said in a tweet. "Now worthy officials are forced to deny being the source."

Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis: A spokesman for Mattis said the Pentagon chief had not signed the opinion.

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue: A spokesman for Perdue confirmed to Fox News that he did not write the opinion.

Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross: "I have not written and I am deeply dismayed by this editorial," Ross said in a tweet. "I could not be more proud of our work at Commerce and [the president]. "

Secretary of Energy Rick Perry: On Twitter, Perry said he was neither the author of the editorial nor that he "agreed with his characterizations."

"Hiding behind anonymity and dirtying the President of the United States does not make you an" unsung hero ", it makes you a coward, unworthy to serve this nation," he said.

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos: A spokesman for DeVos said that the head of the education department "is not an insider from Washington and does not play Washington's insider games."

"She has the courage of her convictions and signs her opinions," said the spokesman. "She is not the author of the anonymity … op-ed."

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen: A spokesperson for Nielsen said that she "focuses on the direction of men [and] DHS women and homeland protection – do not write anonymous [and] fake opinion pieces for the New York Times.

"These types of political attacks are below the secretary [and] the mission of the Department, "said Tyler Houlton in a statement.

National Intelligence Director Dan Coats: In a statement, Coats categorically denied that the opinion was written by himself or his senior deputy.

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson: A spokesman for Carson said The Guardian the gallery was not written by the Cabinet official.

Department of Health and Social Services Alex Azar: A spokesperson for Azar said The Guardian "Azar did not write the editorial."

Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney: A spokeswoman for Mulvaney says Bloomberg he did not "write the op-ed."

Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley: Haley told reporters that she did not write the editorial.

Judson Berger, Lucas Tomlinson and The Associated Press of Fox News contributed to this report.

Kaitlyn Schallhorn is a reporter for Fox News. Follow her on Twitter: @K_Schallhorn.

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