A nurse only has one hour to live on Christmas Day


A NURSE only has one hour to live after an influenza crisis that has turned into a deadly sepsis.

Jessica Dlugasch was beaten for her life on Christmas day after her husband, Aaron, found her hallucinating and shaking in the floor of their room.

    Jessica Dlugasch fought for her life after a bout of flu that caused a deadly sepis

PA Real Life

Jessica Dlugasch fought for her life after a bout of flu that caused a deadly sepis

The doctors warned the father of two that his wife, aged 12, was seriously ill and that his life was at stake.

They revealed that Jessica was battling sepsis, one of the most deadly diseases caused by an abnormal immune system reaction to an infection.

Those 60 minutes were the longest in Aaron's life, while he waited, wanting his wife to survive.

Miraculously, after crossing this crucial hour, Jessica, a native of Pennsylvania, spent six days in intensive care before being released on New Year's Day.

    The mother of two was found trembling and hallucinated on the floor of her bedroom on Christmas day by her husband Aaron

PA Real Life

The mother of two was found trembling and hallucinated on the floor of her bedroom on Christmas day by her husband Aaron

"I'm lucky to be alive," she said.

"It was holidays and I had to celebrate a family day, but I was dead in the hospital."

The 38-year-old woman was struck by the flu after working long hours, despite the fact that she was vaccinated against the flu.

When she awoke on December 23, 2016, Jessica struggled to turn her head.

    The doctors warned Aaron that his wife, aged 12, could have an hour to live after having been transported to the hospital on Christmas morning

PA Real Life

The doctors warned Aaron that his wife, aged 12, could have an hour to live after having been transported to the hospital on Christmas morning

As her temperature was 39 ° C (two degrees above normal), her husband took her to the hospital, where doctors confirmed that she had the flu.

The two-year-old mother received medication to relieve her fever and pain, and she was sent home to try and enjoy Christmas.

"We are Jewish, and in addition to Christmas, Hanukkah also fell between Christmas Eve and New Year's Day this year, so we celebrated that too," she said.

The doctors confirmed that I was in septic shock and, my fever being so high, they really thought I could die

Jessica Dlugasch

"I invited my grandmother and the house was all prepared for family celebrations."

But Jessica's condition has deteriorated and, on Christmas morning, Arron found his wife blue and shaking in their room.

"I was really in trouble," said Jessica, mother to Benjamin, now five, and Aviva, three years old.

"My temperature was 40.5 ° C and I felt absolutely awful.

    Miraculously, Jessica went through this crucial hour and spent six days in intensive care before she left on New Year's Day.

PA Real Life

Miraculously, Jessica went through this crucial hour and spent six days in intensive care before she left on New Year's Day.

"Lying in bed, Aaron called me an ambulance and I was taken to Capital Health Hospital in Hopewell, New Jersey, where we lived at the time."

Emergency blood tests showed that his organs produced high levels of lactic acid, which, according to the Sepsis Alliance, could indicate sepsis.

In a terrible state, it is when Jessica's husband, Aaron, receives the most shocking news: his wife has only one hour of life to live.

SPOT THE SIGNS What is sepsis? Learn the warning signs here …

"The doctors confirmed that I was in septic shock and, as my fever was so high, they really thought I could die," she said.

"I was given oxygen because the flu had caused the collapse of one lung and that four types of antibiotics had been injected, just to get rid of it. # 39; infection.

"I was badly hallucinating and having a lot of pain."

Put in morphine to relieve the pain, Jessica went through the crucial hour and then spent six days in the intensive care unit, her desperate husband making sure to his bedside.

    The doctors claimed to believe that Jessica contracted pneumonia, which then caused sepsis

PA Real Life

The doctors claimed to believe that Jessica contracted pneumonia, which then caused sepsis

The doctors believed that Jessica had contracted sepsis because her flu had turned into a chest infection that caused pneumonia.

According to the UK Sepsis Trust, the disease can occur in response to an infection or injury anywhere in the body, including a chest infection that causes pneumonia.

Symptoms include:

  • speech disturbances
  • confusion
  • extreme chills
  • muscle pain
  • do not urinate
  • severe shortness of breath
  • feel like you're going to die
  • having marbled or discolored skin

Jessica added, "They thought I was so contagious that Aaron could only enter my private room with a mask, a blouse and shoe protectors.

"It meant that our children could not visit, which was horrible."

After regaining her strength on December 30, Jessica was transferred from ICU to a less acute ward where she stayed on New Year's Eve.

    Jessica is now trying to educate the public about the warning signs of sepsis, to prevent others from becoming victims of the deadly state

PA Real Life

Jessica is now trying to educate the public about the warning signs of sepsis, to prevent others from becoming victims of the deadly state

It was the first time she lived away from Aaron in their 16-year relationship at the time.

Instead, the devoted couple saw in 2017 together, staying on the phone all night long.

She added, "We just ran the phone all night, even though he or I slept, so we could be together. "

Now she wants to spread the word about sepsis, which kills five people every hour in the UK.

She said, "I want to educate the public about sepsis and make other people recognize the symptoms.

"I was very lucky to succeed, but I had the impression of waiting to die, it was terrifying and lonely."

To donate to Jessica's fundraising page to help her with her health costs, visit her GoFundMe page.

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