A passenger with a doctorate torn for insisting on the airline


A passenger with a doctorate has blasted an Australian airline for calling it "miss" instead of "doctor" – and is now excited about social networks for his indignant tweet.

Siobhan O'Dwyer called Qantas Airways on Twitter after one of his flight attendants had the temerity to tell him about "Miss O'Dwyer".

"Hey @Qantas, I'm calling Dr. O'Dwyer. My ticket says Dr. O'Dwyer. Do not look at my ticket, look at me, look at my ticket, decide it's a typo and call Miss O'Dwyer. I did not spend 8 years at the university to be called Miss " his August 31 tweet said.

O'Dwyer is Senior Lecturer in Aging and Family Care at Exeter University in the UK and received his PhD in Philosophy in 2009, according to the University's website. She is not a doctor.

Her post has since become viral, garnering over 8,000 "likes" and 4,000 comments, including dozens of them who have pointed out she does not deserve salvation.

"If you went to medical school, you're Dr. O'Dwyer. If you have a doctorate you are Siobhan O'Dwyer PhD, and you have a "doctorate", wrote @rofoutz. "However, you are not a doctor, as society understands, and you should not be free to steal the title claimed centuries ago by the medical profession."

Another person, @HedShodd replied"I have never been to a conference, at least in physics, where everyone insisted on being called" doctor "or" professor ". Apparently, these 8 years have failed to transform you into a decent human being, Miss O'Dwyer. "

Another person, @MakaylaLouiseee, was empathetic to Qantas staff.

"Oh, a very busy flight attendant made a mistake because he was trying to get more than 300 people on a plane in a timely manner. But make sure you have a Sook on Twitter because it feeds your ego. " she wrote, referring to O'Dwyer grousing on social media. "You are the kind of person who gives feminists a bad name. Leave sis.

The hate mail prompted O'Dwyer to give an explanation.

"It's so complicated for this tweet. It was not about my ego. It was to highlight one of the thousand cases of sexism that women encounter every day. It's not the title, but the fact that it would not have happened if I were a man " she wrote on Sunday.

But this tweet provoked even more indignation.

"Do not think that there is something to do in the world of women. Being a "Dr." is a job title, it's not your name " @ Strop1 replied. "I never went anywhere to ask to be called nurse Ray when I was working (retired now). You must acquire your own importance.

Qantas did not specifically comment on the O'Dwyer incident.

"We are extremely proud of our cabin crew who serve our customers respectfully day in and day out and play a vital role in security," a spokeswoman told Yahoo. "Our team treats all passengers with the utmost respect, regardless of age, gender and occupation."

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