A pediatrician has just debunked all the myths about getting a flu shot for kids


After a national survey revealed that some parents were skeptical about getting their children's flu shots, Dr. Jean Moorjani, a pediatrician with the Orlando Health Hospital's Arnold Palmer board in Florida, wanted to redouble his efforts. to put parents' anxieties at ease.

According to the survey results, some parents think that their children can catch the flu simply by getting vaccinated. And even more worrying, 30% of parents think that vaccines are a conspiracy and 28% think the flu vaccine can cause autism.

"The flu vaccine is the best protection against the flu."

Parents who do not plan to have their children immunized must absolutely reconsider their decision. Last year, 180 children died of the flu, 80% of whom were not vaccinated.

"The influenza vaccine is the best protection against the flu," said Dr. Moorjani. "And of the children who died of the flu last year, about half of them were in perfect health, and since we can not predict who will develop a serious complication due to the flu, we have recommended to all children over 6 months receive the flu shot for the best protection. "

Read Dr. Moorjani's explanation as to why every healthy person in your family should be vaccinated against the flu. And do not forget to make a doctor's appointment for your children as soon as possible.


This doctor encourages other parents to vaccinate their children against the flu after the death of his son

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