A "perfect storm" of conflict could worsen the Ebola outbreak in Congo


If this epidemic is not halted soon, it could lead to an Ebola outbreak similar to that of 2014 that caused more than 11,000 deaths.

NBC News points out that a combination of political manipulation and conflict makes it more difficult than ever to combat the growing Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

According to the World Health Organization, the Congolese Ministry of Health reported 150 suspected or confirmed cases of Ebola. The WHO said 100 people died.

Unfortunately, various rebel and militant groups have been attacking the region for years. But they have recently intensified the fighting, making it even more difficult to fight the epidemic, which has lasted for two months now. According to WHO's Emergency Preparedness Manager Peter Salama, "we are now extremely concerned that several factors could come together in the coming weeks or months to create a perfect storm."

Dr. Salama then explained that the conflict makes it more difficult for humanitarian workers to test and treat the disease. And politicians spread fears before local elections. "This resistance, fueled by a completely natural fear of this terrifying disease, is beginning to be exploited by local politicians. Confusion can make it difficult to end the epidemic. This could make the epidemic similar to the 2014 Ebola outbreak, which killed more than 11,000 people worldwide.

The people of the region are already traumatized by years of murder and conflict. They are fleeing in many areas and the Ebola outbreak could easily spread to Uganda.

This is the second Ebola outbreak that Congo has experienced this year. Another outbreak occurred in the western part of the country but was declared over in July. It infected 53 people and killed 33 people. Unfortunately, this second epidemic occurred a few days later in another part of the big country.

There is now a vaccine against the disease and WHO has vaccinated more than 11,000 people, but many people are reluctant to get vaccinated.

Ebola outbreak in Congo

A microscopic view of the Ebola virus.




Attacks in the city of Beni forced the WHO to stop operations there. Beni had been the main base of WHO's activities in the province, called North Kivu.

Ebola is an extremely deadly virus that can be transmitted by humans and animals. according to Health Lineit was discovered in 1976 in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Until recently, it had been observed only in Africa, but by March 2014, the largest outbreak of Ebola ever observed had begun. During this epidemic, the virus has managed to spread to four people in the United States, one person in Spain and one person in Italy. In total, there have been 28,616 cases of Ebola worldwide and more than 11,000 people have died.

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