A photographer discovers a mysterious couple in the background of a beautiful photo


An astonishing photo of a truly magical moment for a couple was shrouded in mystery as the photographer was looking for the identity of the two people that he had accidentally photographed.

More than a week later, photographer Matt Dippel found the couple, he wrote on Facebook on October 27th.

"Everybody meets, Charlie Bear and his fiancée Melissa," wrote Dippel. "In short, I've captured the second proposal, the most special and official in Charlie's words, a big thumbs up to both of you.I would like to meet you in person and kiss you.I am happy to having finally found you to share this special moment with you, thank you for being so great, maybe one day we will finally meet in person! "

The photo was taken at Taft Point, a viewpoint of Yosemite Park.

Photographer Matt Dippel, who takes great pictures of nature, captured an apparently romantic moment in which a man is on his knees and seems to be proposing to a woman to stand in front of him.

The only problem is that Dippel did not intend to capture the moment in front of the camera.

He posted on Instagram: "A truly magical moment. Idk these people but maybe we can find them! "

Naturally, the Internet has been invested in research.

One person commented, "It's beautiful! Just find your page after reading a news article on this photo. I hope you find the couple happy!

"Princess Buttercup and the man in black / Westley on the cliffs of madness ?!", guessed another.

"Did you find them? Beautiful photo! "Said another person.

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