A pizza delivery woman rescues a kidnapped woman after she asks me to help


Dean Hoffmann

SHEBOYGAN COUNTY, Wisconsin – A pizza delivery agent on alert has helped save a woman from her violent ex-boyfriend, police said.

A 55-year-old man, Grafton, is now the subject of several counts of domestic violence after allegedly entering the home of his ex-girlfriend without being invited, where he would have beaten and tied her up .

The police arrested Dean Hoffmann after the pizza delivery man noticed a woman inside the house saying "help me".

"It's a bit scary," said driver Joey Grundl. "He gave him his pizza and noticed behind him that there was his girlfriend." She pointed to a black eye that was clearly visible, and she pronounced the word "call the police".

According to a criminal complaint, the victim – a 57-year-old woman – started dating Hoffmann in 2016 and they lived together until August 2018. After their breakup, the woman moved to a house close to 2nd and from Lyndon.

Investigators say around 13 hours. On Thursday, September 27, Hoffmann entered her house without knocking on the door and without her permission. She told Hoffmann to leave and grabbed her phone to call the police. While she was picking up her phone, Hoffmann would have torn her hands, grabbed her by the waist and dragged down the steps that led to the upper floor.

The complaint says that Hoffmann pushed the victim down, with her back on the steps, then pulled her hair, tore her shirt and kept trying to drag her down the stairs. In an attempt to escape, the woman told the investigators that she had hit Hoffmann in the groin. Hoffmann then struck him in the face, giving him a black eye and a bloody nose.

According to the complaint, Hoffmann then locked them in the bathroom for about 30 minutes, while the woman handed him a bloody nose.

Prosecutors say that Hoffmann then forced him to get into bed, tying his hands and feet with a power cord from his vacuum cleaner, then putting him a towel in his mouth for s & # 39; s 39 ensure that "no one could hear it". The woman told the investigators that she had difficulty breathing and was afraid to die.

After about 30 minutes, Hoffmann untied it, but for several hours he did not let her leave his own house. The woman remembered telling Hoffmann, "If you'll love me, you'll let me go," to which Hoffmann replied, "You know I can not do that."

The woman said that Hoffmann had pointed out that he "should have taken his gun out of the car so he could fire both". Investigators said that Hoffmann had used the woman's phone to text her children, pretending to be the victim, telling them that she was sick and that she would not come until a few days later. .

Joey Grundl

A decision to order Domino's Pizza however allowed the woman to escape.

Grundl called 911 after noticing the woman and told the operator:

"I had a delivery.It was a middle-aged couple.The woman clearly had a black eye.It pointed her finger and I swear that she I said "help me".

When the police arrived, Hoffmann first prevented the woman from opening the door, but finally allowed the officers to enter and he was arrested without incident.

During the time Hoffmann was at the victim's, the woman said that she "really believed [he] was going to kill her that night. "

Officials spoke to Hoffmann, who said that he and his ex-girlfriend had had a fight and that he had hit her face at one point, claiming that it had happened. "in the heat of the moment".

When asked if he possessed firearms, Hoffmann stated that he had a .22 caliber firearm in a briefcase located in the trunk of his vehicle.

"I'm grateful (the driver-deliverer) was attentive, as it could have been a lot worse," said Amy Hammarlund, a neighbor.

Hoffman now faces charges of kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment, strangling and asphyxiation, criminal intimidation of a victim and burglary of property. ;a building.

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