A "psychic" octopus who predicted the death of the World Cup in Japan


A "psychic" octopus that seemed to have correctly predicted two of the results of the World Cup in Japan apparently did not foresee its own disappearance, being killed and "sent to the market" because its owner The giant fisherman of the Pacific – named Rabiot – was captured in Obira, Hokkaido and quickly achieved celebrity on the Internet when he correctly predicted Japan's first win against Colombia as well as that of the team. Shoot in Senegal early in the tournament.

Rabiot made the predictions by moving to different parts of a paddling pool. Each part of the pool was marked "win, lose or draw" and had food to tempt him

Local media in Japan reported that Rabiot's owner, Kimio Abe, had decided to earn more money. money selling octopus meat at the market. Hoping that the second rabbi will also give all the results correctly and that Japan will go to the end, said Abe, according to Sora News 24.

Rabiot managed a posthumous revenge. After being sent to the market, Japan lost 1-0 to Poland on June 28 and was eliminated from the knockout stages after a 3-2 loss to Belgium.

This is not the first time that an octopus – or an unlikely animal – has made the headlines to properly "predict" the results of the World Cup matches.

At the 2010 South African Tournament, Paul the Octopus became an international star to correctly predict all German games as well as the final – in which he supported Spain to win the Netherlands. Paul died peacefully in his aquarium at the Sea Life Center in Oberhausen in 2012.

Also this year, a Russian cat named Achille is portrayed as a psychic animal after correctly predicting that World Cup hosts would defeat the world. Saudi Arabia and Egypt. However, the cat incorrectly supported Nigeria in the 2-1 loss of this team to Argentina.

Lucia I. Suarez Sang is a Reporter for FoxNews.com. Follow her on Twitter @luciasuarezsang

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