A Red Sox fan is slender while trying to coach Yankee Stadium's surf


A 24-year-old Red Sox fan died Wednesday after trying to climb over a Metro-North train bound for Connecticut as he returned from Yankee Stadium, the New York Post. reports.

The train left Yankee Stadium just before 11pm. About half an hour after departure, two brothers tried to climb from inside a car on the roof. As Michael Vigeant of Hudson, NH, was trying to get out of the train, he was electrocuted by overhead cables, MTA officials told the Post.

Vigeant had come into contact with a catenary wire. The train staff was able to get off his brother safely.

The power supply to the train stopped while the conductor was trying to find medical help for Vigeant. The runners say that they were trapped inside the helpless train for more than two hours. The MTA said the train was stopped for only 30 to 40 minutes. The train arrived in New Haven around 3:20 pm on Thursday.

The incident occurred after the victory of the Yankees 10-1 in the Bronx. The Red Sox then won the AL East title on Thursday with a 11-6 victory.

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