A researcher on UFOs showed the mysterious object near the sun (PHOTOS, VIDEO)


Фолог показал загадочный объект (ОТО, ВИДЕО)

A popular Taiwanese UFO scientist and researcher of the cosmos, Scott Waring has published another interesting novel, which, according to its author, is capable of transforming our idea of ​​what is happening beyond the Earth. Find expert immediately attracted the attention of many users.

Write on the sensational news.

Specialist interviews, which focused on photos taken on Oct. 15 by the SOHO Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, suddenly took the form of a breathtaking shot. The probe captured near our mysterious object, like a huge luminous cube.

Waring is convinced that it is a gigantic ship of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, the dimensions of the Earth. An extraterrestrial spacecraft, for example, close to the Sun, filled it with energy, then flew away, leaving behind a bright yellow trail. Here is what surprised the researcher:

As extraterrestrials manage to create such huge objects? I think the reason lies in the fact that extraterrestrials live forever and that they have an artificial intelligence that does most of the work yourself. The time spent on it is irrelevant to immortal beings. AI makes the materials, designs a ship, creates its parts and assembles them. Maybe creating such a spaceship takes millions of years. However, if you are immortal, you will not be too hard to wait. And while you enjoy life, artificial intelligence creates for you is something really incredible.

By the way, the mysterious giant cube near the Sun is not frozen for the first time, prompting independent researchers to draw some conclusions – namely that it can not act or be d & # 39; 39, an accident nor a failure of the "SOHO" observatory, especially since the cameras watch our sun, movie and other mysterious objects nearby, and clearly of artificial origin …

Earlier in the sky above the United States, two Suns were suspended.

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