A second client dies of an allergic reaction to claim that a sandwich at the feeder


A second client died after consuming a mislabelled Pret A Manger product, confirmed the sandwich chain a statement posted on Twitter early Sunday.

The deadly article allegedly contains a "dairy-free yogurt", provided by the COYO vegan food manufacturer, containing in fact trace amounts of dairy protein. The unidentified customer suffering from a severe dairy allergy, who bought the "rainbow vegetable bread" at a store in Bath, England, died in December 2017, the New York Times reported.

"We stopped selling the products as soon as we were informed of this incident," reads the statement in Pret A Manger. "Tests by Pret and two independent authorities revealed that COYO's dairy-free yogurt contained traces of milk protein. We informed the Food Standards Agency that led to the national recall of COYO in all supermarkets and other stores. Pret has terminated its relationship with COYO UK and is in the process of suing. "

COYO, however, denied allegations that it supplied the ingredient in a separate statement published on its own site, calling the Pret position "unfounded".

"The dairy-free product we provided to Pret in December 2017, at the time of this tragedy, is not related to the product we recalled in February 2018," said COYO representatives. "Pret's inability to provide us with a lot code, despite several requests, seriously limited our ability to investigate further."

The statement continues: "In February 2018, in close collaboration with the local authorities of Bexley and the FSA, we issued a preventive recall of the product after traces of dairy ingredients were identified in the materials used to manufacture our product. This contamination has been attributed to a third party supplier with whom we no longer work. "

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In 2016, another customer of Pret, a 15-year-old girl from West London, died of an allergic reaction to bread in an olive tapenade sandwich. ;artichoke.

Natasha Ednan-Laperouse went into cardiac arrest after eating the wand that she bought at Heathrow Airport in London before boarding an airplane, according to CNN. It contained sesame, to which she was allergic.

At a hearing held at the end of September, the coroner, Dr. Sean Cummings, stated that "there was no specific information regarding allergens on the package." of the baguette or on the package. [food display cabinet] and Natasha was reassured by that. "Cummings also said that he thought sticky labels" were hard to see. "

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"Our beloved daughter died in a tragedy that should never have happened and we believe this investigation showed she was dead because of inadequate food labeling laws," said the father. of the daughter, Nadim Ednan-Laperouse, UK. "We believe that if Ready To Eat was following the law, the law was playing Russian roulette with the life of our daughter.It is clear that the current laws on food labeling are not suitable and it is now time to edit. "

The family of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse who died at age 15 of an allergic reaction to a sandwich ready to eat

The family of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse who died at age 15 of an allergic reaction to a sandwich ready to eat

Vickie Flores / LNP / REX / Shutterstock

When Ednan-Laperouse started reacting to bread in mid-flight, her father injected her with an Epipen twice, but she had a heart attack during the landing of the plane and was declared dead at l & # 39; hospital.

"We are deeply sorry for Natasha's death. We can not begin to understand the pain that the family has felt, feels and continues to feel, "said Clive Schlee, CEO of Pret A Manger. "In Pret, we all wish that a significant change comes from this tragedy and we will make sure that it is so."

After the news of Ednan-Laperouse's death, Pret announced that he would start by labeling fresh products with information on allergies.

Neither Ready To Eat nor the representatives of COYO immediately responded to PEOPLE's request for comment.

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