A security officer pulls a man dead during an altercation outside the Montgomery County store, police say


A security officer shot and killed a man in Silver Spring Sunday during a fight in front of a convenience store, Montgomery County police said.

Police said the shooting took place shortly before 4 am in front of the 7-Eleven store in the 8200 block of Georgia Avenue. Police identified the victim as Deon Christopher McDonald, 27, of Hyattsville.

When buying something at the store, McDonald had a dispute with a store clerk and the guard intervened, the police said. They said that the argument became physical and went on outside the store.

During the fight, the guard fired his gun and McDonald was hit, the police said. They said that he died on the scene.

According to the police, the guard was armed and on duty. He worked for a company that had been hired by the property manager to ensure the store's security, the police said. He was 44 years old, they said, but he was not identified otherwise.

In a statement released on Sunday, police said their investigation was underway. They said the investigators continued to gather evidence and coordinate with the state county prosecutor's office.

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