A senator asks the court to declare the order of arrest of Duterte illegal


A Filipino senator who fled to the Senate to avoid an arrest order by President Rodrigo Duterte on Thursday asked the Supreme Court to declare the order illegal and called on the army to challenge her.

Senator Antonio Trillanes IV, Duterte's fiercest critic at Congress, told the high court that Duterte's proclamation quashing his 2011 amnesty for ties to coup attempts and ordering his arrest was unfounded.

"Their basis for this proclamation is a big lie," Trillanes told reporters in the Senate building, where he has remained since Duterte's order was made public on Tuesday. "It's wrong, they only wanted to criticize me for being a critic of Mr. Duterte."

Known for his temperament and his attacks on critics, Duterte openly expressed his anger against Trillanes, who accused him of large-scale corruption and involvement in illicit drugs. Duterte repeatedly denied the allegations.

The clash took place while Duterte is visiting Israel and Jordan. He must go home on Sunday.

The Justice Ministry said that Duterte had annulled the Trillanes amnesty because the senator had not filed a formal amnesty application and confessed his guilt for his role in the coup attempts. State past.

Trillanes, however, reported on television and in newspapers, as well as Defense Department documents, showing that he had asked for amnesty and acknowledged his role in three military uprisings between 2003 and 2007.

Trillanes, 47, a former naval officer, was jailed for more than seven years for taking part in the uprisings of the army, including a mutiny in 2003 against President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. bombs and supported an upscale residential building.

He and the other mutineers then demanded the end of government corruption and other irregularities. They surrendered after the negotiations.

After being amnestied under Duterte's predecessor, Benigno Aquino III, Trillanes successfully applied to two Philippine courts to dismiss the rebellion and the coup affairs against him, allowing him to run for office thereafter .

Duterte also ordered the Ministry of Justice and the army to revive administrative and criminal complaints against Trillanes. The order sparked legal questions, with experts asking whether Duterte could invalidate an amnesty decreed by a former president and approved by Congress.

In his application to the Supreme Court, Trillanes said that the arrest order of Duterte violated the constitution, which only allows the judiciary to issue arrest warrants.

Despite legal issues, the Defense Department said it had deployed officers to the Senate to take custody of Trillanes and confront it with a military court of inquiry over its role in past uprisings. A military detention cell was also prepared for him.

Trillanes called on military officials to challenge Duterte 's order, which he said was illegal. He cited abuses and wrongdoings committed by the military when dictator Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law in 1972. Marcos was overthrown in 1986 by a revolt of "power of the people" backed by the military. army.

"They know the lessons of history, they know what happened during martial law, they know a legal and illegal order," said Trillanes at a press conference.

Since Duterte took office in 2016, another opposition senator has been jailed for illegal drug charges, a Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has been ousted by other judges and critics foreigners, including an Australian nun, deportation.

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