A sequel to 'Venom & # 39; probably already has a release date, while the universe of Sony Spider-Man goes back



Venom Tom HardySony

  • Sony has announced two new release dates for Marvel films in 2020, and one is likely a sequel to "Venom".
  • "Venom" exceeded expectations and brought in nearly $ 780 million worldwide.
  • "Morbius", "Black Cat" and "Kraven the Hunter" are among other Spider-Man projects developed by Sony.

Sony does not waste time taking advantage of the success of "Venom".

The studio announced two release dates for the Marvel films, which were still to be titled, on Wednesday, July 10, 2020 and October 2, 2020. The latter is described as an "untitled sequel to Sony / Marvel". All the signs suggest that there is a second installment "Venom", while the film beat the October box office record for a weekend weekend. opening with $ 80 million. He brought in nearly 780 million dollars worldwide.

Another possibility would be a sequel to the upcoming animated film "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse". It sparked a positive craze, especially from Jason Guerrasio, Business Insider, who called it "best animated movie of the year "in its preview.But even though Sony is confident in the movie, this one has not been released yet.

Meanwhile, "Venom" has already broken expectations at the box office and laid the foundation for a sequel on his post-credit scene. This seems inevitable.

Read more: According to industry experts, "Venom" gives Sony a competitive edge over Disney in its fight to keep Spider-Man

The unique agreement reached between Sony and Marvel Studios in 2015 allows them to use Spider-Man in its Marvel cinematic universe, while Sony retains distribution rights and creative control. Sony holds the rights to hundreds of Spider-Man characters and can continue to create its own movies with the help of these characters (and Spider-Man) as part of the deal.

"Venom" is the first Sony-based company created by Spider-Man since the commercial and critical failure of "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" in 2014. Although critics have torn apart "Venom" (its critical score of 29% of Rotten Tomatoes), its success with the public has revitalized Sony's Spider-Man universe, according to box office experts.

"If they do regular movies that viewers want to see, Disney will have to buy Sony for it to reclaim" Spider-Man, "Business Insider told Jeff Bock, senior box office analyst. relations with exhibitors.

This is good news for Sony, as several spin-off films from Spider-Man were already in development before the success of "Venom". The release date of July 10, 2020 is probably "Morbius", with Jared Leto as the vicious Spider-Man vampire.

Other possibilities include "Black Cat", based on a frequent interest in the love of Spider-Man, or "Kraven the Hunter", based on another longtime enemy of the rampant superhero. But since "Morbius" has already chosen his main actor, it's probably the best bet.

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SEE ALSO: How "Venom" has marked one of the biggest openings of superhero movies ever recorded in China

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